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Luanda Reggae Defenders - what is your long term agenda?

Luanda Reggae Defenders is a now a popular movement with roots in Vihiga and border Siaya and Kakamega counties Attention is brought to the manner and conduct the movement has gained fame and followers, mainly the Youths. The movement capitalizes on funerals. With a poor culture of putting the dead to rest, the Reggae Defenders have taken it by storm and rebranded the infamous ‘Disco Matanga’ – disco at funeral. Reggae Defenders on move. Pic: Charles Rankings: Facebook They mobilize quickly on the day the dead will be discharged from the mortuary. They have this huge old school sound system that is over buzzing to no clear reggae song - that they hire a pickup to carry - and it has a young DJ mainly standing there than mixing anything. Often, against the rules, the casket is grabbed from a hearse vehicle and tied to a motorbike. There it will be swayed and jerk breaked between other motorbikes on the narrow roads. That, is, how a fellow soldier, often a young dead, is mourned. ...


Help me decide on what to read next.

After a behind schedule night sleep and an untimely wake I was able to conclude The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. It is one of the books I have read in the shortest time possible. If you have read this book you understand how captivating it is that the limited 592 pages though there is only an ending paragraph in the unnamed 593 page can accommodate such a short story left unfinished. Langdon could have gone ahead to marry Sophia. The Priory of Scion should have decided to change their mind and reveal the Truth to the World. +800 pages if it fits and I would still read. Why keep it silent? It may be Dan Brown sitting on Truth. Authors are nuts. Aren’t they? It is hard to end a great book like this and pick up on another. There is a movie of the same to watch, commentaries to read, search of the author’s profile, relative views online and research on contentious issues exposed. Then the dilemma sets in…which book next?

If you find yourself with monologues like mine here, for I know you will find several, think about them.

I should not look confused at this age just because I have read a couple of books. There are people who have read more than me by far. But so, should I lose motivation? Certainly not. Reading is not an activity to set time for. The books you have read should not make you feel superior. What about the unread? Reading should streamline in my daily activities so that it never becomes an option which can be ignored at times. It is also not a big deal for people to know that you are an insatiable reader. I do have a book in the bus and in my going about an activity. I wait for people by a flip over, overcome jam by an extra chapter, shifting from one task to another by relaxing mind in the story and refreshing myself when an activity hits boredom switch. Of course it is leisure’s big master.

There are extremes of burning the midnight oil for the purpose of fetching a story in the papers knowing that one is required to wake up early for an activity. Book addiction is real! A friend told me that to him reading is a serious business. Once he picks up a book, it is the only activity to do until done. Yes, it is better to be drawn to a book in a bus than a phone. Doctors haven’t yet said that too much reading is harmful. And it happened that I had exams in an hour but instead I comfortably read. Wasn’t the hour the cramming time? When you read, worries of the real world are replaced by the contentedness of imagination. Test and see that books are the best form of telepathy around. Humans may take long to invent another form.

A friend was amazed the other time by the bulkiness of Dean Koontz novel, One Door Away From Heaven. ‘Have you read the Bible?’ This was more of a dispiriting and aiming to inflict discontents query. I managed to raise a small discussion about the authenticity of the Bible that she thought what every Christian is – I am a partial unbeliever. Last year, 2014, I was able to read from the beginning, Genesis 1:1 when the earth was formless and concluded in Revelation 22: 21; The Grace of Christ be with us. Amen. If my diary serves me right, I started in 28/12/2013 a day after my birthday and concluded in 02/06/2014. How I managed? I was motivated to.

 I give an honest witness that if there is a sentence I missed it may be due to the failure of the eyes. I was not lazy to peruse quickly through the family hierarchies in Numbers or the hard sentences in Job. I had been inspired by my family hierarchy on the wall.  I was not reading for spiritual nourishment anyway. I took the Bible as a novel and it served best. When I finished one book-the Bible is a library-, I settled to some other external sources like internet commentaries or other unrelated books. I was in school and responsibilities kept me busy. Other works alike. Early mornings, late day and weekends played a big part in taking all that long. The result? I knew stories that I had least or wrongly heard. I will reread it sometime again for the purpose of understanding. Not spiritual.

I would want to read all the books in the world. I know I won’t but a big deal I’ll have read before death day. It is motivation that takes one from one book to another. When Churchill Ndambuki invited PLO Lumumba to his show and asked him about his reading culture, the answer was pregnant; ‘I read widely and wildly.’ Who does not want to be as Lumumba? This is the prophet of our time if he isn’t a saint. But we identify saints as Church inhabitants but not what they say or do. I listen to his speeches and words that flow out as honey in a log hive smoothening any congenial heart. He is not a speaker of flattery. He praises no one for gain. I have heard him challenge his audience in front of their seats. Moi University Vice-Chancellor, Mr. Mibey can attest to this.

Sometime ago I took to reading when I had free time from play. I remember sitting down on rusimbu and reading out loud a piece of story to make mom ‘hear’ that I could read. I was in lower primary. ‘My son, know how to read in silence,’ Mom advised in Lulogoli. The words had more touch in the local language than I have translated. I slowly learnt to read in silence. It was English in grade 3 that I scored 100% in an end term exam. My first and last. Most people have English as their favorite subject as it was to me. The teacher advised and I practiced though not largely; ‘To pass in English, You should read many story books.’ I did not realize the value of reading by my own.

Small books like Abunuwasi na Hadithi Nyingine and text book stories of Mr. and Mrs. Hamisi, Barmuriat, Eloi and the Giant and Mbogori cooks lunch are some of the pieces that kept recurring in primary KIE English books.  I love it when a friend reminds me that Hullo Children was for grade 1, Read With Us 2, New Friends 3, New Adventure 4, Neighbours 5, Moving Ahead 6, One More Step 7 and Stepping Out 8. A perfect syllabus! By the time you stepped out, there was no sh#t or swearing words learnt. There was no TV to interrupt homework. Reading was only influenced by the amount of kerosene in the tin lamp. Mom could send us to bed early to save on oil.

Books that seemed to be dictionaries at the time resemble short stories now. I saw John Kiriamiti’s book –My Life in Crime- on the streets and held it to confirm my doubts. Milly’s Story is as small as a pamphlet. Kill me quick, the then favourite book is but a small paged save story. People do grow in thinking. A friend who despises book at its site depending on the number of pages is losing big on red interpersonal knowledge. Things Fall Apart is an all time favourite that I pick up any time to read a paragraph or so. I started to master the first chapter. I read it in Form Two first and grateful to Mr. Charles Shikuku for encouraging us to read widely by the whip. I failed him a good grade in English.

I read not to be an author in future or because I have nothing to do. Ababu Namwamba will tell you that he is always cruising through a book. I read for fun. In the fun is my passion. The power of passion is imaginary. Different authors have different critical messages to convey to the world. They hide them deep in the pages. Before thoughts are refined on papers and edited to preference, much is put into consideration. It is not like the all time idle talk that only repeats what people already know. Only the fine thoughts are put in writing and reading is connecting to diverse genius brains and sometimes understanding settings far better than the obvious. Have you ever smiled all through some paragraphs? Or sneezed a laugh?

Uniqueness of every person in their way of understanding reading and writing balances the world’s one major danger- all people thinking the same and acting likewise. We develop, create, clothe, give names and require different characters to act in different ways in our imaginations as we read. I would not mind if each person who ever saw the bright Venus named after Roman goddess wrote a book. We are as different as ice crystals under a microscope. It does not matter which topic but a contribution of experience in life. Life is a drama and we all have different parts to play. A book is a legacy. I wonder why Christ never wrote a paper during His time when people knew how to write and read. Why did it have to take some time much after to have the so called first hand writings to find their way in the Bible? The ‘third grades’ were excluded.

The weakness I have been fighting is to live in the book during the time of reading and short time after. One can get sick after reading a book! I am an over thinker and my thoughts often rotate in what I am presently reading read. For example, the increased real sex in The Godfather sent me to remember a girlfriend I had long parted with for the sake of peace of body. Good she did not respond positively. Obama’s book, Dreams From My Father made me remember much in my early life though I am barely two decades and four old. I wept with him in the rains at K’ogello. The Great Hope by Ellen G white made detest Catholics! Until I had cooled that I found St. Thomas Aquinas books, On the Truth of the Catholic Faith that I went back to the house of a wise reader- Neutrality. I would neither want to disagree nor agree with an author. I would only want to look at issues from their angle without being moved. A sigh.

I recall when I had concluded the Godfather and approached a friend in his office. It was a by-the-way talk including slum jest -why it is hard for people to get out of there. The story revolved to include crime. There, his art of storytelling glands were caressed. I nodded as he talked of the Kenyan Mafia. I had introduced the story in the book. He explained how ODM party nomination elections were botched in Homa Bay, how a mine in wherever was captured and occupants killed, how the group restructured after the death of the Dandora-made Mafia. Raila odinga and Uhuru Kenyatta, sadly or fortunately know them. The malady is dripping in campus politics and thick minded goons are aspiring for the profession. Should I call them by Zack Kinuthia's names? I am not happy just as I was before to increase doubt in Jesus’ deity as after reading from Dan Brown. Another thought tells me that my curiosity will widen my understanding and be satisfied. But the wider the understanding the more the misunderstanding. It is better though than remaining myopic to small knowing.

A two day break to refresh from one book to another helps me do away with the extreme indoctrination of my subconscious mind. Subliminal effect can make one by mystical and align oneself to one way of thought. By reading a book full of action stuff you may think that you know how to operate a gun and can fight enemies easily. The fact that I do not want to look at issues from one author alone makes me want to change author’s book after book. I keep a consideration that I will again later read another book of the same author because of some masterpiece exposed. It is during these break times that I settle to see if there were any imminent small considerations like reading pamphlets and restructuring my thoughts. Reading can be very influencing dear reader.

A reader who is negatively charged falls in love with any book that comes in view. This can be as a result of seeing a friend reading the book, hearing about the book, reading for the sake of or reading for circumstance like exams. Some nag people by booking books when there are so many books in the world. I understand there can be inadequacy in access but I dislike it when a person is attracted to a book just because so and so was immersed in it and seemed enjoying. Fake readers read because others are reading. These are friends who borrow books and return after months. One was jealous to take two books. Two months ago and he hasn't finished the first one. Only if he was a peer I'd have opened my mind to him.

The next book to read matters because of a number of debts to pay….it should build up on the previous book or rationalize an extreme thought. A break away from one flow of thought is as dangerous as planning to wake up early by an alarm that instead of sounding at AM in the cock-crow, it wrongly set to sound at PM, same time. You can sleep the whole night and day in wait of the alarm. Though I advocate for unconfined area of reading, I would reckon that one should read intensely in an interested area. Say like religion, which I see fostering in. It least includes areas of politics and logic though it may be widely linked to understanding cosmology alike. One area of insight is risky to reason.

Randomly I select a book from my small study table. I do not want to prefer others to some though new books may be easily read than the long-time bought. I will not lose as much to have a new book as to have new clothing. I am a witness to this ancient quote. My interest field is religion. I think there are many lies being fed to the congregation by people who interpret religion in their way. Each person should lead oneself to own understanding of God. Nature of thought can be deduced by the nearness or furthermost to a belief. This is what I try to entangle in the knit sentences of books. Help me select my next book well.

The study table has a number of books pending. My diary waits to know the next book I am reading. In future, Ufahamu Participants will benefit from your contributions. Even though, do not ask me to read soft copy books. I know the world is heading in that direction and the next blog will tell why.
