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Luanda Reggae Defenders - what is your long term agenda?

Luanda Reggae Defenders is a now a popular movement with roots in Vihiga and border Siaya and Kakamega counties Attention is brought to the manner and conduct the movement has gained fame and followers, mainly the Youths. The movement capitalizes on funerals. With a poor culture of putting the dead to rest, the Reggae Defenders have taken it by storm and rebranded the infamous ‘Disco Matanga’ – disco at funeral. Reggae Defenders on move. Pic: Charles Rankings: Facebook They mobilize quickly on the day the dead will be discharged from the mortuary. They have this huge old school sound system that is over buzzing to no clear reggae song - that they hire a pickup to carry - and it has a young DJ mainly standing there than mixing anything. Often, against the rules, the casket is grabbed from a hearse vehicle and tied to a motorbike. There it will be swayed and jerk breaked between other motorbikes on the narrow roads. That, is, how a fellow soldier, often a young dead, is mourned. ...

Saniaga Genealogy Documentation from a Biblical perspective

The Bible has enough evidence to prove that it is a near excellent genealogical documentation work of a people with purpose to get inspiration from past stories and deeds of ancestors as it communicates the purpose of the tribe (people) – to keep true to the commands of community vision (spirit). How well done, held on, believed in that people of the world have have come to identify with it for lack of their own documentations. You will hear of a modern Nigerian say, ‘We are the true Israelites! Here is the hint....’

Yet had the Zulu recorded and preserved their kingly heritage, had the Egyptians also buried their kings with chronicles of the tribes, had the Romans invested in the power of identity in genealogy and propagated the Roman ancestry alike, then the world now would be rich with past tales as well as diverse cultures. There was, as is, little desire to preserve stories of the day, crude as the means would be for the unknown future. But man is enduring and nothing is useless.

The book, seen to many as sacred and spiritual information coded in the writings and humans used as vessels, is not necessarily the Word of God as people read. It might not endure the test of time if it is still regarded as a belief book neither have the attention of growing community awareness if it is not seen as a reference point. A scholar who reads the Bible for fun as any other story book and an ethnologist/anthropologist who sits down to comb through the practices, movements and births is more realistic and benefited than another who wants to ‘interpret’ what ‘God’ is saying. This very way a Jew who doesn’t believe in the sacred birth of Jesus keeps cherishing the Bible as a chronology of his dear heritage.

Abraham and son. Source;

Well chronicled from The Beginning to The End, it is such a genealogical record that also stretched on its limits. Yet we cannot fault it because mythology was also a way of looking at the world wholly in the yester years of our progenitors. The world came into being in different ways in different mythologies. When we sieve such information, we are left with the tangibles as the name of the father of Abraham. The years he lived, the words he pleaded to God with when He wanted to destroy Sodom and the sheep that he would sacrifice in the place of his only son are good stories that add flesh to the character, Abraham. Names are nothing without stories. And the stories are nothing really but mind niceties that can be subjected to study as history.

In a Jewish camp wall, during holocaust, a victim inscribed, ‘If there is a God, He will have to beg for my forgiveness.’ An objective way of looking at it is that he was but questioning the essence of his heritage that for generations has called upon and expected God to fight for them. Yes, in several occasions God did ‘cover’ the Israelites out of sight of their enemies. Even at the time when Israelites had wronged others. An example is with the sons of Jacob who had lured the people of Shechem to circumcision after Dinah was raped and they had used the opportunity as all men pained to kill them. They ran away protected by God. A history that if miscommunicated with prejudices of entitlement can create unnecessary superiority, temerity, source dislike from others or total desperation if things do not work for you.

Migrations, settlements and causes go a long way to inform interactions and relationships with other people and tribes. Adam was in the serene garden of Eden and many tribes place their origin at a treasured area. And he was not alone in the world for Cain asked pardon before he could go out mingling with other tribes. And these all other tribes suggestively may have been killed all during the flood. The sons of Noah - Japheth, Ham and Shem are the progenitors of all people – clans, tribes and nations. Later as Abram was renamed Abraham and promised to be the father of a great nation as the stars he was the tenth in generations from Noah. The nineteenth from Adam, Alfa father.

Moving to Egypt and coming out of Egypt as a great favoured nation and later on conquest after conquest places the tribe of Israel in the similar historical savage position where tribes had no trust with others. Theft and plunder was a way of accumulating wealth and gaining easily than working. It was a taboo to kill a tribe mate but not an ‘enemy’ who was trying to defend their town.  Unfairness, irresponsibility and personal weaknesses as quickness to anger were a bore to God, the spirit of the tribe. Prophets who fed on bush honey and lived in the wild had an eye to community change, preferring to keep pure. Affluence informed Wisdom as in the proverbs of Solomon and Psalms of David, and if anyone read the tribes scattered later and Rome colonized them. A Jewish state would be founded later May 14th 1948. 

When Mathew opens up the new testament with the genealogy of Jesus, he not only tells the Israelites that ‘here is one of your own blood and ancestry’ but also ‘your course is rebranded.’ People had lost the zeal, unity and would even lose their history’s rallying call – if you repent, change your ways and turn back to God, he will hear you. It is true that communities, societies and nations are afflicted with all manner of social ills when people pull to themselves rather than together. Proverbs six sixteen and Galatians five nineteen tells what to avoid to pursue togetherness of purpose. Hard though it is to keep people focused to issues that would change their lives for the better. The messenger does not matter, people lose it when they discuss the group leaders or the group leaders lose it when they make themselves a subject. Eyes should always be on the prize.

The messiah 2000+ years later is the one who calls herself or himself a change agent. She identifies with community issues and trends.  She stands to be counted now and in future for advocating for best practices that aim to better lives of individuals (and in the long run, the community at large). She capitalizes on the existing trust as family and neighbourhood ties with love for all. People who believe in community change. She has hope for the happier future, on Earth. 

-/With Thanks
