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Luanda Reggae Defenders - what is your long term agenda?

Luanda Reggae Defenders is a now a popular movement with roots in Vihiga and border Siaya and Kakamega counties Attention is brought to the manner and conduct the movement has gained fame and followers, mainly the Youths. The movement capitalizes on funerals. With a poor culture of putting the dead to rest, the Reggae Defenders have taken it by storm and rebranded the infamous ‘Disco Matanga’ – disco at funeral. Reggae Defenders on move. Pic: Charles Rankings: Facebook They mobilize quickly on the day the dead will be discharged from the mortuary. They have this huge old school sound system that is over buzzing to no clear reggae song - that they hire a pickup to carry - and it has a young DJ mainly standing there than mixing anything. Often, against the rules, the casket is grabbed from a hearse vehicle and tied to a motorbike. There it will be swayed and jerk breaked between other motorbikes on the narrow roads. That, is, how a fellow soldier, often a young dead, is mourned. ...

Inform and get a Birth or Death certificate in time

pic: Barack Obama's birth certificate released to the public to prove his identity as born USA and not [only] Kenyan.

A birth certificate is a documentation of one’s birth details for purposes of records and interventions. It includes mainly your name, sex, parents’ names, place and date of birth. Other additional inserts for record and purposes are a specific Entry Number, Date of Registration, Citizenship of Parents, Place of Residence and Registering Officer.

There are more details that may not be recorded on the certificate but noted mainly for interventions. They include; nature of birth (alive or dead), weight of child, age, previous births and level of education of mother amongst others.

It is encouraged that a delivery happens at a health facility for health reasons and where the above information is easily noted or retrieved in the case where an expectant mother was attending the very facility for prenatal care. If a delivery happens at home, it is notified by an assistant registrar – the area assistant chief. To notify is to fill in the details as mentioned above and issue the mother with a replica note to use in applying for the certificate.

If it goes unnotified, past six months or more, and the certificate is later needed, it will be a late registration. A late registration fails to capture most of the intervention details and is absent in decision making. It is to this that an intervention on using MCH post natal reporting as in giving BCG and other immunizations to identify any unnotified child. This is adding on the creation for birth certificate demand as in schools, employment, migration, obtaining an ID in aim to backtrack registration as well as tackle any legal issues around identity.

A death certificate too is equally important as it notifies the absence of life, a renouncement of a birth certificate use. Getting a death certificate is essential and anyone can get a death certificate of a person they know. It is not limited to one person or two but all people of interest to the deceased. Even for inspection and similar to birth.

Unlike the birth certificate, several copies of a death certificate can be issued, maintaining the legals; specific Entry number and details pertaining to the diseased – name, age, sex, place of death, occupation and cause(s) of death. Only the paper page serial changes as each printable paper has a serial number for purposes of accounting for certificates being presently printed.

It prevents contests of inheritance or benefits claims as all and sundry later meet at one desk to prove relationship with deceased among other support documents like a letter from local government detailing the deceased household(s) or members’.

As many deaths than births currently happen at a community level, it is feared that lay autopsy and reporting will slow down on interventions as the reporting does not include underlying causals but the happenstance. A sudden death capture would as well be a cardiac arrest death due to high blood pressure. To avoid any death case from going unreported, a burial permit is required.

A severe road accident could kill a cancer patient but a postmortem report can be more reliable as to the bodily health state at the time of death. With a medical history, the lay reporting can be supported or if the death is in doubt, going for a postmortem report and be certified by a clinician or a doctor is encouraged.

The doctor’s report (D1) is superior to the one written by an assistant chief (D2) at the community level. The latter can only notify natural deaths happening strictly in the sub-location. No matter the place where a D1 is filled, the death place assists in reporting and it is the civil registrar of that area (sub-county or county) that lastly registers the case as a permanent record.

In the yester years the births and death registrations were far from the people and the demand for the services not made, hence the presence of many late case registrations today. A late registration of either birth or death does not give information prompt and there is little of evidence as in death case. This promotes an ‘interview’ session at the registries – in searching for evidence on place of birth, parentage, intent, death et al, often slowing down activities. 

There is more to this. The civil registry also issues births and death certificates of people born or dead outside Kenya but are Kenya citizens. It also issues presumed death certificate in cases where a person’s whereabouts cannot be traced. This happens at the national office.

It is important that whoever informs is literate, truthful and of good intent. Names should be written in the spellings and order given at first. Where in doubt, leaving a blank is better than filling as petitioning to fill might be easier than petitioning to remove or fill with another name.

Lastly, it is important to safe keep the certificate and retrieve in its good state whenever needed. A torn, dirty, discolored or altered certificate will require one to look for a replacement.


The writer is a Community Development Agent with a background in Community Resource Management and an interest in ethnography. In 2022/2023 he worked in the office of Civil Registration [Vihiga County] as a PSC Intern Cohort 4.  
