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Luanda Reggae Defenders - what is your long term agenda?

Luanda Reggae Defenders is a now a popular movement with roots in Vihiga and border Siaya and Kakamega counties Attention is brought to the manner and conduct the movement has gained fame and followers, mainly the Youths. The movement capitalizes on funerals. With a poor culture of putting the dead to rest, the Reggae Defenders have taken it by storm and rebranded the infamous ‘Disco Matanga’ – disco at funeral. Reggae Defenders on move. Pic: Charles Rankings: Facebook They mobilize quickly on the day the dead will be discharged from the mortuary. They have this huge old school sound system that is over buzzing to no clear reggae song - that they hire a pickup to carry - and it has a young DJ mainly standing there than mixing anything. Often, against the rules, the casket is grabbed from a hearse vehicle and tied to a motorbike. There it will be swayed and jerk breaked between other motorbikes on the narrow roads. That, is, how a fellow soldier, often a young dead, is mourned. ...


Coutesy of baba Albert.

Mugenge begot Liguchi. Liguchi begot Isagi. Isagi begot Lung’afa. Lung’afa begot Igunza, my father. That is around 130 years ago. Barrack Muluka traced his roots to 500 years ago. What a faithful son of soil! Sooner, I will satisfy the blank questions of my origin.  Kizungu, the son of Mulogoli (1530AD as found at  had two sons, Gisemba and Aliero, the founders of Avagizembwa and Avaliero. Other families which are said to belong to this sub-clan are: Avasuba, Avasaniaga, Avayonga and Avakebembe. When you get rated with half tribes like Abasuba, you should question. With a void of at least 1400 years, I feel empty. From where did we come from?

Mugenge came fron the vasaniaga – Ihiri ya Mweremi. This is courtesy of Albert Mudachi, the first son of Lung’afa. His rural stay and the involvement in a number of extended family issues has given him a better position in knowing what his brothers do not know but not much to brag about. My father knows too less to sustain a talk concerning family hierarchy. Only if oral literature was as dependable as books, then the son of soil would have been drunk of his history.

Msaniaga is a sub-tribe among the 14 sub-tribes of Maragoli. Maragoli is one of the 18 sub-tribes of Luhya in Kenya. Though Vasaniaga, like the sub-tribes in Maragoli do not have a language accent differences, there are underlying issues that  necessitate actual divisions as Luhya tribes are concerned. Lucky is Luhya tribe  that the sub-divisions have played a big part in identification, consideration and respect unlike in other Kenyan sub-tribes where sub-tribes have engaged in the pleasures and vanity of war.

A question of whether vasaniaga are or aren’t original Maragoli people came into being one day when I had bicycled to Mazigulu- a place theorized by local community that Jesus walked there. I washed my hands in the healing water on top of the rock and stepped in the ‘leg’. I saw number 14 and the ‘padlock.’ I went ahead to see the casket rock. I humbled to a prayer and it is that time that Julius Kigaro, a local headman joined in prayers. He would then take me into all this as we walked to Kiritu.

He informed that Vasaniaga are not true Maragolis and to my want, I took to finding out the half-truths. I only got the five generations list. It is through discontention that the heart yearns. I was. Murogoli  is believed to have been the ‘neighbour’ of Mkisi (of the Kisii tribe) around 600 years now. He moved East, settling at Mungavo (Maragoli Hills). Living near Kalenjins,  intermarrying  gave rise to Tririki sub-tribe among the Luhya. An interaction with already migrated Luhya community gave his generation an association that would identify Abanyore as his immediate ‘brothers’ in the Luhya tribe. It is not clear whether Maragolis are indeed Luhyas or baptized Luhyas. Bukusu’s think otherwise.  
Maragoli as a language has a mantix similar to Swahili. If one did not borrow much from the other, then the other borrowed much from one. As Bantu and Arabs interacted, Swahili came into being. As many words that were borrowed from Maragoli, presently are being taken  back when maragoli of present times opt to use Kisawhili due to their minute knowing of their mother tongue. Sound ‘kh’, commonly used among Luhya subtribes is unfound in Maragoli and only ‘K’ is implied.  It may also go without proof that the many men who were arraigned at Chavakali before walking down to the coast as slaves may have contributed to the come up of Swahili language. ‘Women still wait for their men at the market as they engage in micro-bussiness.’  
Murogoli had four sons- Mmavi, Mkirima, Mkizungu and Msari. No msaniaga. No others. Even the Variero, who consider their door superior were not the first of Murogoli!  Machuki, having served as a village elder in Denja village Nandi County  for more than 32 years now, has not forgotten about his roots back in Maragoli. He says that the rest Maragoli sub-tribes are of ‘women’ they married. He agrees that Msaniaga, mmasingira and the rest as names adopted from where the women came from. Now, where did the ‘Saniaga’ woman come from? Now that I am born of a kamba tribe  womb, can Mkamba become a sub-sub-sub-clan of my founding? How many generations form a clan?

Remember my name is Lung’afa. Angafa is an Oromo name that means ‘first borne’ or ‘elder’. According to Proffessor Mwanzi- Kenyatta Universty, when the British came, they found a strong Maasai Warrior Kingdom that would not be captured if not first divided. They captured men and instead of killing them, they were distributed among the collaborator Kings. King Wanga got  a number. Period. Having associated with Borana, Maasai’s had accepted the noun ‘Angafa’. They brought it into Luhya. But only a few families have the name. Most write it as Lungafwa. I took in this with a heavy heart because when I was still a fresh man in campus, ignorant of my roots, one girl had confused my name to a Maasai and a few friends to a Kalenjin because of my skin and skinny flesh. Can it be the case?

If Luo Kings collaborated, then they must have received the resisting Nilotes too. They have the Saniaga clan. Could have the Maragoli married from the clan? It is known that since time immemorial when people migrated, Luhyas and Luos have been on the forefront of a strong association that majorly involved giving a wife for another. Among the Maragoli, there is no other tribe so much talked and sang about other than Luo. A perfect interaction may have avoided fights with the fierce tribe. Maragolis, known of peace (cowardice if you like) may have negotiated for long lasted peace between the Luos and Kalenjins of the lake region (Givaswa).

Heretofore, I found out that Vasaniaga ara divisible. We have vakamnara who got the tag as a result of migrating due to population increase. As others remained  holding strong to extended family, this kind of blood went as far to Migori, Kitale, Lugari, Nandi and towns. They can be found whenever Luhyas are. Their scheming nature in environments of education, business and religion have given them a name to that of Kikuyu in central Kenya- people never afraid to explore new lands.

It is proved that Maragoli’s came from Misri, like any other Luhya sub-tribe. The whiteman escavated our original home to somewhere in Cameroon- Bantu. Going by the former, supported by oral fok tales, we may have migrated due to harsh treatment by the Egyptians during their war conquest for an empire. Before Israelites came to Egypt, Luhyas had already migrated away- to that Cameroon- leaving our Oga brothers in Nigeria and later to Uganda for the Kngdoms and to the lake for a present day settlement.

Broadly, population was slowed by the harsh natural effects which man was deficit in in external knowledge but intense with divine activities. Nyasaye was and is still the God. A man would be given a wife when he was mature. Maturity ranged among age sets that would take at least 30 years.  Circumcision was an 18-year period gap. For six months, initiates were expected to adopt the practices of the tribe. Values were adored and rated high above life. 

Women dealt with what came from’ivwasi’ (kitchen) while men handled that which came from the front. This avoided conflicts that were termed as ‘Mujiru’- sin. It was known to any mature person what a sin was. Authority was respected because it was honest and divine. Vakizungu variero were endowed with village leadership.  Reason was uphold and violence disregarded as a result of the effects. When the Missionaries in Nyang’ori and Kaimosi arrived, they forund a peaceful orderly and religious community that could only be converted with providence of needy services like win-lose justice to the vulnerable, medication to the sick and new methods of livelihoods never to experience the famine of the ‘cup’, a common fable. As if they were ready for civilization, least resistance was offered.

Being Msaniaga or Mwariero though carries no much water in its bag, leadership among the Maragoli’s stlll is determined by such forces strongly held by elderly people. Soon it may depart from the minds of people. But the other demarcating things as prohibited marriage inside one’s clans should be uphold. I am superstitious knowing that an omission is severe than a commission. As a cow dies on every 26th December during Utamaduni day at Mbale without necessarily being killed but by the words of the elders, a breach in one or two crucial things will not only throw us apart but kill us definitely. Most have died. The Murogoli is mutating to a modern man- with no boundaries and origin. Only time will tell.

The hierarchy hangs on my wall. Looking at it with more disconnectedness sends me to books that not only give other theories, but increase the length of my yearning umbra. At least I know that the land which grandmother waits for her day in was bought by 2 jembes, 2 goats and a pot of sour brew. She is less of Msaniaga than she is of Christ. She finds no pleasure in talking about the good old times. Who listens? But one thing for sure she says …’vuyu arambiranaaa, wari wivurwi?’ – If the elder child killed her during birth, would you have been born? This is her question each time respect fails.

If you do not know history, you do not know anything. You are a leaf that does not know it is part of a tree. As for the little I know, I may not be the Mulogoli I think I am. I may be some other person from another tribe that I least associate with. Few will agree to an otherwise thought for there is nothing as bad as denying what another man believes in in his presence.


  1. Loved the article.

    I am a msaniaga. My grandfather gave us our family tree all the way to Saniaga.

    Thanks for this

    1. Please share my brother. I will be glad to look at it. My email is

    2. Hello, I think we are on track. Am I the one who wrote to you lately about MAMA and you asked me about some constitution? Wacha zako... call your brother here, 0700186018!

  2. Wonderful article; and so very amusing!!! Now I know I am "vakamnara"! lol ...

    1. But you don't know your you?

    2. Hope you guys have been reading more...and more... from this blog. lots of articles recently about ourselves

  3. Facebook comments (for further research)

    Lumadi Jenyeka You're my clan-mate That was quite informative but where can one get primary material to establish such things?Someone else told me Msaniaga yari mwana wi chova,the mum came with him but from where?
    March 28 at 4:52pm • Unlike • 2

    Kibande Mluhya Fulani Kari mbole inze nu msaniaga,kwatula hai,mara ati embo,
    March 28 at 4:56pm • Like • 1

    Idagwa S Mulahi Guys am a msaniaga, dont make feel bad(outcast) plz
    March 28 at 5:06pm • Unlike • 1

    Lydia Gimode Francis ogoli,George kadiri should read this.
    March 28 at 6:00pm • Unlike • 1

    Onyagi Wa Nyambaga How reliable & authentic is your source.
    March 28 at 6:00pm • Unlike • 1

    Tsavani Wu Ullulolo The aim of such info is to provoke dialog not feeling out of the loop. I think its a good thing even though a mumasero kwatura masero widely suspected we are luos
    March 28 at 8:42pm • Unlike • 3

  4. More Facebook comments.

    Onyagi Wa Nyambaga Is it that other clans feel threatened by us vasaniaga to the extent that they perceive us to be outcasts.
    March 28 at 8:51pm • Unlike • 4

    Morris Lwenya Tachoni clans

    [AbaChambai, Abamarakalu, Abasang’alo, Abangachi, Abasioya, Abaviya, Abatecho, Abaengele etc]. There are theories that the following clans originally belonged with the Tachoni; ] Saniak (also found among maragolis in Kenya and in Tanzani...See More
    March 28 at 8:52pm • Unlike • 2

    Morris Lwenya

    Know Your Tribe, Know Your Roots; The Abaluhya
    The Luhya cultivate the fertile highlands of Western...
    March 28 at 8:52pm • Like • 1

    Idagwa S Mulahi Why dont we organize a get together one of this fine days,
    March 28 at 8:57pm • Unlike • 1

    Onyagi Wa Nyambaga @Morris Lwenye does it mean that the late kijana wamalwa's family lineage are Tachoni(not bukusu) because they are Abaengele?
    March 28 at 9:03pm • Unlike • 2

    Kageha B. Ambembo Ati Vasaniaga tumefanya...
    March 28 at 9:05pm • Unlike • 4

    Idagwa S Mulahi Kageha B. Ambembo tel 'em siz
    March 28 at 9:12pm • Like

    Wilkins Mulemi Thought provoking indeed
    March 28 at 9:12pm • Unlike • 2

    Onyagi Wa Nyambaga Siz Kageha B Ambembo its alleged that we were born out of wedlock which is not true.The good thing is that tupo na hakuna mahali tunaenda.we are joint heirs with the rest.
    March 28 at 9:20pm • Unlike • 3

    Joyce Ogada Out of wedlock my foot, proud saniaga A.K.A kamnara
    March 28 at 10:41pm • Unlike • 4

    Andimi Mukilima Am not one of them but Saniagas produce the real professionals in Vihiga and lead from the front.Sosa cottages is a Saniaga innovation!
    March 29 at 1:12am • Unlike • 2

    Olocho Sande Lung'afa Patrick, it would be good to explore the link between the Saniaga and the Saniak of Keiyo. I met some Keiyos who have relatives at Gambogi. And that a sizeable number went back from the Western frontier back to the deeper valley
    March 29 at 9:13am • Edited • Unlike • 1

    Mukayagi Ngoda I'm Saniaga and proud of it. Everyone came from somewhere. What should really concern us is where we want to GO.
    March 29 at 9:52am • Unlike • 3

  5. More Comments...

    Olocho Sande Mukayagi Ngoda, am mwifwa Msaniaga. And in my small research came to learn that Total Man is a Saniak from the other side.
    March 29 at 9:57am • Unlike • 3

    Lucy Vuligwa Omido I have been quietly checking... The Saniagas are blessed.Anything they lay their hands on flourishes.Education,fame,business.... Seriously,been wondering.
    March 29 at 11:38am • Unlike • 3

    Bradley Kisia I'm a msaniaga. This is good reading and thought provoking. Will check this out. Virginia Woolf ... any thoughts on this?
    March 29 at 11:39am • Unlike • 1

    Lung'afwa Muzami Mukayagi Ngoda so am I! At one time my grandfather used to wonder why Jaramogi decided to remain behind in Nyanza. (His thoughts!)
    March 29 at 12:27pm • Unlike • 3

    Olocho Sande Lung'afwa Muzami, the story is fairly complex but authenticated. The family migrated from Kidundu area. They are a part of the what earned the name for their exit point on the Vihiga/Nyanza border 'Chulaimbo' that is 'chula embo' in Kimaragoli. Mengi another day.
    March 29 at 2:31pm • Edited • Like • 4

    Lung'afa Patrick I am liking your sharings here brothers and sisters. What brings in the dilemma is that we do not have the facts with us. Olocho Sandebrings in the Saniak of Keiyo. If we will have the opportunity to explore deeper, we may find out that we are just bu...See More
    March 29 at 1:55pm • Like

    Laidea Lourhcarhlowh proud to be 1.
    March 29 at 2:00pm • Like

    Lumadi Jenyeka The current generation of Vasaniaga have minimal genetic relations with the fore-father due to clan inter-marriage system that Maragolis have.The Vwifa side of things means we have sizeable Maragoli genes in us.And the so-called Saniaks from other comm...See More
    March 29 at 2:08pm • Edited • Like

    Bradley Kisia Lumadi Omido ... there is a biological fact that men inherit a certain gene or RNA (not sure of the details) from their fathers - it is called the Adam gene. The same happens with women from their mothers and it is called the Eve gene. I guess if the...See More

    1. Lucy Vuligwa you are saying the truth about what you place your hand on flourishes.Yes it's true,am a Tachon and everything that I have placed my hand on flourishes and anybody who gives blessings is blessed back.

  6. Bradley Kisia Lung'afa Patrick ... I have a family tree left to us by my grandfather Absalom Kagasi, that goes all the way to Saniaga. I cannot put the whole thing out here, but it would be interesting to see the different other trees.
    March 29 at 2:13pm • Like

    Lung'afa Patrick These saniagas are lying that they are prosperous and rich. It is good anyway to have a big ego. Mudavadi is Mkevembe- a clan that was born recently if not yesterday. His mother came fro Idakho. Ambwere isn't msaniaga. Neither is Moses Akaranga. Kibisu...See More
    March 29 at 2:15pm • Like

    Lung'afa Patrick Bradley Kisia you can't afford to be selfish. Msaniaga shares what he has without necessarily minding about tomorrow...inbox if its too long for here. And if you are in Nairobi or wherever I can come see it.
    March 29 at 2:18pm • Like

    Lung'afa Patrick Lumadi Jenyeka...I still miss the 2nd trip that we had planned to Maragoli hills. I had a purpose for going there but it failed. Soon I will trudge.
    March 29 at 2:21pm • Like

    Onyagi Wa Nyambaga @Lung'afa Patrick it all depends on your defination of prosperity.from your above examples you seem to allude with the exception of Ambwere that for one to be prosperous he has to be a politician,which isn't necessarily the case.
    March 29 at 3:43pm • Like

    Lung'afa Patrick Onyagi Wa Nyambaga not that I deny richness can exclude physical gains, I also partially included mental excellence that does not moreso gain mileage without some goodies to show off.
    March 29 at 3:50pm • Like • 1

    Lumadi Jenyeka @Kisia,are you trying to imply that patriachy has a genetic aspect in it?There's nothing unique Musaniaga's Y-chromosome passed onto his sons apart from determining their male sex.My % of 'Usaniaga' is equal and similar to that of my brothers for examp...See More
    March 29 at 3:52pm • Edited • Unlike • 1

    Lumadi Jenyeka @Lung'afa i hope we can still go in the near future.
    March 29 at 3:51pm • Unlike • 1

    Onyagi Wa Nyambaga Olocho Sande & lunga'fa muzami.So Raila & family are likely to be my relatives as my great grandfather Onyagi Ayiego migrated from Kidundu to Gisambai where we are currently settled.At one point Raila while on the campaign trail at Mudete claimed to be a musaniaga.Haki nitaenda kumuiitisha ka kitu.
    March 29 at 4:02pm • Like • 1

    More and more comments,

    Lung'afwa Muzami Onyagi Wa Nyambaga I might not be having an inkling on want the old man was basing his arguments but he seemed so much convinced that the was some blood link between his ancestors and Jaramogi's. Then I too young to comprehend anything, neither did I h...See More

  7. that's nice... a piece of knowledge gotten

  8. Neccy Munagi wa Inziano wa Agesa wa Ganihitsu wa Ambale from what Wa-Ambale or Mbale was named from,16 June 2016 at 15:23

    Am a Musaniaga yaani (kamnara) of Evukilima I was told so..... seems Saniagas occupy every part of Vihiga Maragoli???

    1. would you please help me reach you. I was talking with Proffessor Mwanzi the other day and he had the view that we should do something. Please reach me on or 0700186018

  9. One Tachon man called WAMBILIANGA accompanied Gusii and Logooli on their down walk along river nzoia from Samo rock.These three people agreed to work together and a new society was formed.Wambiliangas son known as MURKAL is the ancestors of abasaniaga and abamusali.Wambilinga left behind two brothers who are founders of abasaniaka(saniak) who live in Webuye.
    We also have saniak in Keiyo.When you read through Tachon tree in book written by Demmahon Oloves Lihraw titled The Tachon People you will find Keiyo is on Tachon tree structure.
    Other history writers say most luhya clans originated from Mandi or maasai but this person is Tachon who is not Bantu but nilotes though his origin is MISRI

    1. These are strange strange strange facts! Very much appreciated as we find sap in our ancestry


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