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Luanda Reggae Defenders - what is your long term agenda?

Luanda Reggae Defenders is a now a popular movement with roots in Vihiga and border Siaya and Kakamega counties Attention is brought to the manner and conduct the movement has gained fame and followers, mainly the Youths. The movement capitalizes on funerals. With a poor culture of putting the dead to rest, the Reggae Defenders have taken it by storm and rebranded the infamous ‘Disco Matanga’ – disco at funeral. Reggae Defenders on move. Pic: Charles Rankings: Facebook They mobilize quickly on the day the dead will be discharged from the mortuary. They have this huge old school sound system that is over buzzing to no clear reggae song - that they hire a pickup to carry - and it has a young DJ mainly standing there than mixing anything. Often, against the rules, the casket is grabbed from a hearse vehicle and tied to a motorbike. There it will be swayed and jerk breaked between other motorbikes on the narrow roads. That, is, how a fellow soldier, often a young dead, is mourned. ...

Stupid Interviews- Attending one?

My friend and I have for some times mocked best what we think does not favour our needs. It is the talk of any graduate how many job opportunities are there. There used to be times when looking at the vacancy pages in the newspaper promised a bright future. Now the pages have a taste of the orbituaries. Our impatience suggests that it is easy to die than get a job.

It starts by writing your curriculum vitae. Vitae is an indirect slave card. ‘Here I am Mr. Enslaver. A qualified slave full of experience. I slaved in school, more than fifteen years ago. Thereafter, I enslaved further by volunteering in Organisations so and so. As it stands, you are the only one who may be the best Master.’ It is like raising your poster high in a demonstration or having the fattest muscles and chest fit to be considered a rugby player.

It happens that you are ambitious and many jobs can be bent to your type of degree. Your do a spiral of mails. Anxiously you wait for responses that never come. Was my cv even seen? Or was there a requirement that I did not consider? My brothers stop that nonsense. Unless your father got a hand in that vacancy you are unlikely to be considered even for an interview. 

Because you had a person connecting you in that organization at least you are called in on the day of interview. You must have highly nagged the person because when you tell them once that you need a job they try to forget making you wonder whether you had immediately gotten one after you parted. There are promises and favours to fulfill them. Or else you won’t receive least of a regret note.

The cheap interview keeps you warming for it, trying best how you will sound modest, appeal that you are qualified and employ words that sincerely aren’t yours. Any psychopath (sociopath) can score well in an interview. Any lazy man or average woman gifted in oratory defense can pass. One can find expected questions online or from any other person ever involved in such. They are the same! And stupid men and women make your audience at the D-time all ears to ask their clichés as you joust in choreographing bushfire answers. 

How does it happen that one person is deemed most qualified? A joke. How does ten minutes of familiarization inform you that a man is better than the other? How do you expect him to narrow down all his gifts, doings, expectations and all that in ten minutes? Our outward personalities are not necessarily our inward abilities. A sociopath is therefore a more likely candidate for that job. Aren’t our institutions full of them? They speak well, nag their way through, can do anything to edit the results and will employ the same to rise in the ladders. A solution for this would be that a lottery should be employed and the names put on dices. Toss them and whoever settles on top is the guy. It would be fair and of sure chance than giving marks on unworthy questions. 

So what happens with the rest, equally qualified in my view but not sociopathic enough to be the best? Don’t they need an economic uplift? Can’t they also do a satisfactory job? Don’t tell me that their chance is in another institution. He or she should opt for business, isn’t it so? Perchance he may get through. 

It is time we reconsidered because all of us are equally betrothed to chances. None got a better chance over another unless it is on the bias of humanity.


  1. I agree, interviews and job opportunities are full of bias as to who gets it. But I quite don't get you when you say it's enslavement, and especially the education bit of it. I agree not everything taught in schools is meaningful or useful to us in our adult lives. What in your view is the best way to bring up children in the society if formal education is enslavement to you? would you rather have people grow up the way our great great fore fathers use to?

    1. Thank you friend for being my fan. I highly appreciate the feedback.
      In your feedback have I found important questions. I always do not agree that my ideas are absolute. They can be refuted. I do not have the best answers to conducting interviews, bringing up children, formulating the best kind of education...etc. But I have an eye to what I see unfair which may not be the bigger picture.
      God bless you


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