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Heavy responsibilities for elder aunt among the Logooli

With Seenge Fonesi. She is the elder grand daughter of Isagi and elder daughter of Amugasya. She is often present in functions involving the family of Amugasya. Pic taken on 18/4/2024. The elder sister soon becomes the elder aunt. It is this “seenge munene” (elder aunt) tag that she is tied to many cultural responsibilities – back home. To her marital family she may appear as any other woman, but she is not so in the eyes of her people. Marriage does not steal her away as it would happen with other daughters of the old man. To her, as days go and the old man and woman of the estate are dependents, she becomes increasingly present.  Her brothers also need her for almost all traditional markings. They are marrying, she needs to welcome the new wife. They are giving birth, she needs to come to midwife or “bless” the new born. They are paying dowry she needs to lead the women delegate. There is a conflict she needs to come for a hearing.  And many others. Traditions does not expect her to

I am interested in mine lineage, Ugangu.

At Kamnara village, Bondo

-: This is a great exposition. I am related to Umutu and I spend lots of quality time with him when I visit home and even mostly he will be home with my father.

I wish I could construct such a historic flow of my lineage, unfortunately, I don't know much. We originally hailed from the foot of maragoli hills, where my grandfather Daniel Ugangu, born in 1907 migrated from in the 1930s and bought land in Buyonga. He had a brother called Ombe who went to Kapkangani in Nandi and another called Kilangunya the others I don't know about them. His twin sister Kadesa was married in Womulalu and another by the name Kahuya was married behind Vihiga high school and wa the mother to the late Pastor Charles Mbecha and the late Senior chief Fanuel Kaiga. I am told the land they left in Dabwongo was donated for construction of a school that I don't even know the name.  I wish I could find someone who could be knowing much about these people.

-: I used to think you are a great grandchild of Rubang'a /lubang'a/. 

Ombe of Kapkangani could be known as there is an active Saniaga group there. 

It is easy to find, there are leads in the villages and our history is not yet gone. With more efforts we will put it together.

-: @⁨Lung'afa⁩ , is it chisukuru or chiisukururwi? I thought the order of ascension was umwiisukuru, chiisukururwi, kesoni, kizyeezye. Ama?

-: You are right. Am related to the Lubang'as as well

-: Mwana, mwisukuru, chisukuru, chisukururwi /chisukul'lwi/, kesoni, kizienzie, kifudura moni. 

By clan I am Chisukuru cha Umutu.

-: I will be camping in Vihiga and environs for the starting month. Lazima tuone vile hizi families zinalink up.

-: Kifudura-moni🤣🤣🤣. Now I know.

-: 🤣🤣🤣. 

Hata ufanye nini, hauwes ona huyo. Labda if we engaged a boy as early as ten years. 😁😁. Successively so in his generations. 

Normally people die having Visukururwi. Kesoni is a great blessing. 😁. The future will cut this happiness, plan before you reproduce. 


-: That will be awesome, go find out more. 
