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Issue-hid communtiy conflicts; a case of Mudungu Water

A water committee meeting in progress, 05/08/2024. I'm in Green, chairing. In black is Sammy Jaika, in attendance; Chairperson, Wodanga Climate Change committee. Here is another quick harvest for life basket. It can inform today’s community engagements and study. I have come to learn that when an issue is too selfish to inform a case, a person or persons harboring it (also note different hearts have different selfish views) can connive or scape-goat - not strong enough to face it. Yet in that piggish push, they can have their way. How can community change agents work this out? The Case  I was occupied on 12 th  November 2024. So I couldn’t attend the Climate Change and Stakeholders Consultative Forum. I sent in my apologies to the convener. The meeting discussed Mudungu Water and its Committee. Some of the water committee members spoke. And it appeared the chairperson, me, was on trial. In the end the communication was that the water committee has been suspended. It calls for react

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