are different from animals simply cause they can ‘deviate’, writes my favorite
author, Paul Theroux. Otherwise there could not be a source to derive the so
called virtues. To be indeed human is to be perverse. Those who break the law,
find the guts to reproach status quo, appeal to the minorities and later
majority. Talk of Socrates, Jesus, Malcom X, Gandhi and you!
left my volunteer job last April. I needed to be paid and it wasn’t
forthcoming. I am disliked to this very moment for ‘walking out on them’. In
search for a job I came to learn of similar quack organizations that did not
only refuse an application but also put one off due to his tribe. To get one I
shall be forced to bend further.
freedom that people seek has strange experiences. Just like humans are
unpredictable so is tomorrow. Even before change knocks our doors there is
always a greater part of us ready to tackle it. Only a child can I restrict the
chance to go into the wild.
accident science thumps about inventing this and that. Many projects start as
impoosibles, are highly criticized and if persistence thins not people come to
appreciate the results. By rebelling his parents, Farhan in the movie 3 idiots went to become an accomplished
photographer against his parents who demanded an engineer for a son.
we call progress and success in the modern world is accumulation of wealth-
both material and mental. If a private developer constructed a super subway in
Nairobi it would be jealous for Karma to account for his source of funds.
Fundraising for a church won’t care whether your last coin was contributed in
the basket. You could have saved it for food.
and shame are harvested huge in deviations. Imprisonment, addiction,
assassinations, loss of property, lack of employment and loss of friends are
but a few. Whether it is worth to deviate or not is debatable but the pleasure
is real. She wanted money and she got it, he lacked sex and masturbated, you
revenged on your enemy fatally. Whether the events took you behind the bars or
not, we have our human element to blame.
we make history even in our time thinking that what we are doing our best to
make the world a better place, there shall come a people who will scratch our
undoings. Reproduction could be a good thing but overpopulation is a deviation.
Feeding is a need but killing animals for food is a show of our dark side. So
fickle is human nature that Viktor in his book introduction to logotherapy is ashamed of human flesh consumption
days after he was transferred from a nazi camp. In such a scenario, where a person
loses his perceived element of virtue and vice he descends to what he naturally
is - valueless.
it would be assumed deviation is a human creation as is order. It only matters
as much as this post does- when you get concerned with it.
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