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Luanda Reggae Defenders - what is your long term agenda?

Luanda Reggae Defenders is a now a popular movement with roots in Vihiga and border Siaya and Kakamega counties Attention is brought to the manner and conduct the movement has gained fame and followers, mainly the Youths. The movement capitalizes on funerals. With a poor culture of putting the dead to rest, the Reggae Defenders have taken it by storm and rebranded the infamous ‘Disco Matanga’ – disco at funeral. Reggae Defenders on move. Pic: Charles Rankings: Facebook They mobilize quickly on the day the dead will be discharged from the mortuary. They have this huge old school sound system that is over buzzing to no clear reggae song - that they hire a pickup to carry - and it has a young DJ mainly standing there than mixing anything. Often, against the rules, the casket is grabbed from a hearse vehicle and tied to a motorbike. There it will be swayed and jerk breaked between other motorbikes on the narrow roads. That, is, how a fellow soldier, often a young dead, is mourned. ...

A fake HIKERS' T-SHIRT spotted in Mbale.

Lung'afa: Today I bumped into a printer's base in Mbale and I saw a FAKE hikers T-shirt. Advice on what step to take?

-Marion Ambani: Waaatt and the way our material is heavy cotton

-‬: Just take it as free publicity

-: It can't be taken as free publicity when the printer will mint money out of it, the money that could have come to the group.

-: Take the fellow to court then if its an option

-‬: On which count?

-Nyash: People stealing our ideas. Ask them on how they came up with that, guess its one of us doing that behind close doors.

-Becky Amulele: Why you even blaming the printer??? He only printed a shirt alipelekewa by someone and the person alipeleka the logo pia...the printer has no offence here 🤥

-Becky Amulele: Its not like he's doing a business lol.
He was looked for not the other way round✌🏼

-: Yes, he just followed instructions

-‬: Just advise members on where to find the genuine branded t-shirts and let's adhere to it, Will soon order mine from our source

Matayo Mwenessi: My view.
If there's any money being made it's kidogo sana.

Matayo Mwenessi: How is the other Vihiga hikers group doing

Matayo Mwenessi: Maybe it's someone from that group printing t-shirts 😆

Lung'afa: I value your ideas. I will slowly get the guys who did it and get an apology letter from them failure to which they will record a statement with the authority.

And we welcome creative ideas. If you can do quality stuff please connect with us. We can nicely agree on percentages.

As for now let us keep focussed. Once we grow we all gonna get benefits that come with hiking.

The T-shirt guys MUST attend Kaimosi Forest Hiking wajue uzuri wa hiking after the apology.

- With Thanks

Becky Amulele: Is it the printer you have issues with or is it the people who printed the shirts from the printer you have issues with 🤔🤔🤔
Just asking

Lung'afa: Becky, go inbox. Both are fraudsters. Ignorance is no defence.

Geof Enonda: Now,if I may ask,what differentiates the original from the fake.

-Matayo Mwenessi: Ngoda blocked me on Facebook. He's a conman. Maybe he's even the culprit.

Though I must say all that energy over a t-shirt... Anyway, go get em tiger.

-‬: Am 100% sure is not the same person doing our shirts who did the 'fake' one... He would do it the same way... Hiyo lazima iliprintiwa else where coz the one of ng our shirts has the original work n he would just run one or two items for quick money.... 2. If the work has not been  copyrighted then its hard to prove n claim it's originality in court...

Lung'afa: Wengine wanaimba nyimbo za mapenzi. Isorait ...

@Matayo Mwenessi  I didn't know my father is a conman. By extension I call Ngoda father. He's Saniaga. Maybe you inboxed the conflict you guys had? And as you know our culture doesn't allow a young man to 'declare himself right' before the father.

@Geof Enonda , how to tell? If you have a T-shirt and you did not take it from Kelvin or me it is obvious you putting on a con one. Two, our inches are specific that we would identity fake work even by the type of printing. I would wish we avoid burglary rather than us trying to prove how authentic our t-shirts are.

Well, I have been reached by the said culprits. Wanasema 'pole'. Hehe. Mimi langu ni kwamba wafike Hike Sato.

Let's pull together.
