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Luanda Reggae Defenders - what is your long term agenda?

Luanda Reggae Defenders is a now a popular movement with roots in Vihiga and border Siaya and Kakamega counties Attention is brought to the manner and conduct the movement has gained fame and followers, mainly the Youths. The movement capitalizes on funerals. With a poor culture of putting the dead to rest, the Reggae Defenders have taken it by storm and rebranded the infamous ‘Disco Matanga’ – disco at funeral. Reggae Defenders on move. Pic: Charles Rankings: Facebook They mobilize quickly on the day the dead will be discharged from the mortuary. They have this huge old school sound system that is over buzzing to no clear reggae song - that they hire a pickup to carry - and it has a young DJ mainly standing there than mixing anything. Often, against the rules, the casket is grabbed from a hearse vehicle and tied to a motorbike. There it will be swayed and jerk breaked between other motorbikes on the narrow roads. That, is, how a fellow soldier, often a young dead, is mourned. ...

What of jokes, Jokers?

-: She adds that 'A good family group has no real purpose beyond bonding'. The writer is some joker in some family whatsap group.  Defending birds of a feather.

-: I'm the admin of another group for literati, and a buddy who is yet to be published after trying for decades, was always up in the case of professors and doctors and multi-award winning, several times published authors, for posting memes and jokes and funny videos from time to time, oooh ati we 'should be serious '. But I put my foot down and refused to impose inhibitive tight @##ed rules and bounds. He left in a huff and the rest of us are doing good. Posting 'serious '  stuff when there is 'serious '  stuff to be posted... And having fun, breathing free air freely when we want to. I loathe strictures and stuffiness personally.

-: That's brightly defensive... 
Any joker would vote for you at the ballot.  😜😜

-: And you would win 8am in the morning.

-: My point is, hapana mbaya to joke or horse around once in a while... It's infact the subject of one of my current projects. We are raised to think that we have to struggle so hard to be perfect and do all the done things blablaa... Or pretend to be and be doing that. But there's an option. Simply don't!

-‬: Bora jokes ziwe baada ya kazi na sio badala ya Kazi

-: Jokes and puns are mind specific,  you know. 

Sarcasm is enough jokes to a deep mind and it would go along way to shake his lungs.  

Cheap jokes of a man biting a dog,  so many at present in form of politics and social disorder are nothing but junk.  To nourish the joker. 

It is all about getting the best out of an interaction. That we joked 20% and achieved 80%...unlike in our reasoning here,  where the author gives jokes  100% to family interactions. Seriously? Then how do you build capacity?  

-: You are wasting our time!!!! This is an interactive forum and we should not try to justify posts!! Post whatever you think is refreshing to your mind and if anyone else feels it has tickled them, let them be free to respond and life continues.  Sidika

-: I have no clue of what these things you post mean!! Sidika

-: Erick, you would smile all the way to the back,  I told you. And I  will be blogging @ over the same.  Interesting. When you a joker, you have so little to lose but much to gain.  Where strictness and moderation is implied does not auger well. So as of Eden is now - Don't  chain me.  

But then the other side does not really chain or restrict in a bad way.  It is like the observance of decorum in a military institution.  For the better of the course. 

To mean if you arrived at parade before time, you can have time for a jest.  Laugh or gossip. But a joker would arrive at the parade on time or a little late and complain of strictness that the commanders do not want people to 'socialise'. 

The same applies.

-: Bytha, 'capacity ' building is that ambiguity shrouded loophole that one uses to 'account for'  funds, isn't it? Lol... Just kidding Hahahaha!!! 😂😂😂🤧

-: You know if everyone wanted bonding through jokes and laughs it would turn to chaos.  No wonder the refrain,  that a huge number of members here just read,  not commenting. Maybe they expect the best to come out of the jokes.

-: Jokes make more sense than some bulshit actually. But free expression is definitely paramount. Like in the now quiet yoghurt project, people would have asked the questions they had, like how come at this time of the year with the dry spell and all?! I with what milk?! If they can't ask they keep quiet... But you can be sure they won't flush away a single hard earned cent. And some people are at a place where they don't have to prove themselves to anyone. At all.

-: Hehehe!! Before we move on, perhaps I should just explain to my younger brother, some of what jokes dooo, is create a rapport.. Which is kind of building capacity in itself. It creates a bond, and it's easier to ask someone that you have established a rapport with for money... They either like or trust you enough to give it to you or feel guilty about not giving it to you when they can. It's just about these mang'unyu thing... It doesn't matter how nutritious they are, with phosphorus or protein sijui platinum, people will still think they are yuck, bleeegh even if they can't say so because it's bad to express oneself . Likewise, a project may be educational and progressive and whatnot, but until people feel comfortable around it, and the people running it,  they will keep off. Fold it and take it to the bank.
