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Heavy responsibilities for elder aunt among the Logooli

With Seenge Fonesi. She is the elder grand daughter of Isagi and elder daughter of Amugasya. She is often present in functions involving the family of Amugasya. Pic taken on 18/4/2024. The elder sister soon becomes the elder aunt. It is this “seenge munene” (elder aunt) tag that she is tied to many cultural responsibilities – back home. To her marital family she may appear as any other woman, but she is not so in the eyes of her people. Marriage does not steal her away as it would happen with other daughters of the old man. To her, as days go and the old man and woman of the estate are dependents, she becomes increasingly present.  Her brothers also need her for almost all traditional markings. They are marrying, she needs to welcome the new wife. They are giving birth, she needs to come to midwife or “bless” the new born. They are paying dowry she needs to lead the women delegate. There is a conflict she needs to come for a hearing.  And many others. Traditions does not expect her to

The Maragori names corrupted from English

-: Tell me how the maragoli came up with names of their children. Some of us me included wonder how our names were developed. The bukusu its very clear eg during rainy, dry or weeding season etc  how about maragoli eg kifworo,  kivunanye,  etc

-: eg..likumba.kibondo.kehodo.😳

-: Hello Bro, the area is green. It needs a going...

But maragori people have a rich culture - and naming was even more interesting that surpassed 'seasonal'/constancies of cultures as like the Bukusu. 

My name, /rung'afa/, is a 'panya route'. Sort of a path you would use not to be spotted by an enemy. Or a small opening in a house where hens would use to get back just in case dwellers were running late... Also related to Mwanzi/Mwanzu. Where children who were often dying and another is begotten would be passed through such a small opening of the house in faith to prevent another death...etc

The Saniaga houses, vaLusimbi is said to have been doubted in fatherhood. Whose child he really was...Lusimbi is grey/spotted/of two backgrounds/origins. VaRago are said to have been rich with cattle. The herding places, vivanda, were /mwirago/. And Riruma /L'luma/ was such a person who while walking had reverberating vocal chord. Also means a nomad, always moving. 

And others...

Like one house of vaGamuguywa called vaMakure is said to have been yu mwandu. Or of another woman. This muGamuguywa lied to his wife that he was going to chase away the bad omen owl /rikure/. The wife gave him fire for that purpose and the man went into the bush to send away this bird as was the custom. Only to go in for another wife. And she gave birth to Mukure. 

Among other niceties of cultural speculations. 

Muraguri had a rich culture. And it is still there...if you dig well. Not yet eroded. 

Have a good day all, won't you? 😊

-: Origin of some of the names is clear but some I would require to get the genesis eg gufworo, gududu chodogonyo etc

-: Unfortunately answers are in the field. Not here. 😆

-: _Gufworo_ is Geoffrey

-: Geoffrey si ni Jivuri...😅

-: Na Praccedes, _Uside_

-: Oh. Ester niye Eside, noho?

-: Unzweni?

-: Esther for Beside?

-: Gordon for Gimode

-: Godoni is what I have heard.

-: What Onesmus - Musuma

-: Yes if you can get in the field as you get the oral geneology.  Gufworo for Geoffrey

-: 1. Gunduguve? 
2. Agundavweni?
3. Andiegu

-: Unzweni - Ainsworth
Gimonde - Chemondley

-: Delamere - Ndaramia

-: Musuruve, Musiburu, Musidoke (Miss. Reeve, Miss Bull, Miss. Turkey..

-: Musubega. Miss Baker.

-: I thought Musiburu was a distortion of Musibega 😱. Come see this @⁨Nancy Musibega Visavilwa⁩  😁

-: Miss Stoke

-: It is also Musitoke, i.e Miss Stoke. 
The name Burogosi is Brooks

-: Here are the names we can try to find their etymology. 

Sosnes -
Roida -
Robai - 
Ijai - 
Kidiavai -
Kidiga - 
Asava -
Dibaisi -
Ridiema -
Modani -
Kajaira - 
Obimbo -
Kavurani - 
Migoze - 
Otwere - 
Gonzoro - 
Kimambo - 
Rugaria - 
Achagana - 
Sinzore - 
Ndeda - 
Arema - 
Mberesia - 
Adembesa - 
Ruhari - 
Igalo - 
Oside - 
Kabeyeka - 
Kasuvo - 
Chabira - 
Sagara - 
Gunyari - 
Rodenyi - 
Kibisu - 
Jiragwa - 
Asirigwa - 
Munaji - 
Garani - 
Mugondi - 
Kebedi - 
Migarusia - 
Jarenga - 
Ngusare - 
Midega - 
Esendi - 

And others as we shall add. Those that have etymology in traditional adjectives will come second. 

Thank you.
