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Luanda Reggae Defenders - what is your long term agenda?

Luanda Reggae Defenders is a now a popular movement with roots in Vihiga and border Siaya and Kakamega counties Attention is brought to the manner and conduct the movement has gained fame and followers, mainly the Youths. The movement capitalizes on funerals. With a poor culture of putting the dead to rest, the Reggae Defenders have taken it by storm and rebranded the infamous ‘Disco Matanga’ – disco at funeral. Reggae Defenders on move. Pic: Charles Rankings: Facebook They mobilize quickly on the day the dead will be discharged from the mortuary. They have this huge old school sound system that is over buzzing to no clear reggae song - that they hire a pickup to carry - and it has a young DJ mainly standing there than mixing anything. Often, against the rules, the casket is grabbed from a hearse vehicle and tied to a motorbike. There it will be swayed and jerk breaked between other motorbikes on the narrow roads. That, is, how a fellow soldier, often a young dead, is mourned. ...

But is Saniaga Football Club we need (now)?

Abbie Ndanyi: I like the football idea, we just need to know the rules that govern that sport, and our role

Mudengani Kisia: This is a very good idea which is not quite complex to get aboard our other initiatives. It doesn't require a lot of resources and it's also easy to have sponsors come along. It will also help to popularise the Saniaga identity and agenda. Let's have as many who some experience in the area give more ideas on how to go about it. As for me, am in.

Alex Imbugi: Lets engage our youth and explore talents

Mourice Ganihizu: Running a football club... not bad idea but comes with a lot of challenges. Do more research thank me later

Lung'afa: Yes bro. 
It is a grassroot club and unless we are able, we shall rain so. To avoid an overstretch.

Govedi Muzami: Again don't narrow yourself only to the football club. What other activities can we engage the youth in so that besides aiming to win tournaments (which will be expensive) we have other activities (eg indoor games) ongoing that will attract more youths to attend. Various opportunities for partnership will evidently present themselves. We need to look at how to positively channel and their energy into productive outcomes in the communities around them. My point is there's a lot that we can engage the youths in but we need to prioritize by supporting the community through the identified gate keepers to bring more ownership and a sense of sustainability through cost effective approaches. Let just list some top line examples of activities that can be explored but not limited to this;
- Clean up exercises
- Advocacy campaigns on identified issues eg drugs, school drop outs, Child protection issues, education financing etc
- Dissemination of relevant youth related policies
- Outreach exercises to direct youths in the community to access the libraries and fundraising events to stock the libraries and sports equipment 

Let us look at a multi pronged approach to engage the youth with what is practical considering we have no resources for now and also project on seamlessly moving into more activities as the funds become available.

Lung'afa have we engaged the leadership in the areas we are running or proposed to run these activities (Libraries/football)??Was wondering as it's related to selling the branding Saniaga but I see that as Saniaga's komenyi nindi zishiri zindi Kandi. The good will of the local leadership will increase participation and hence high propensity to attract funding from partners. Just my 2 cents✋🏿.

Luvai: Caution never really hurts. Let's move steadily with eye on rear view mirror : There was a time when Football Clubs with ethnic tags were banned. The goal is not the brand itself, but the results of the activity.

Govedi Muzami: Exactly my pointπŸ‘†πŸΏ. The library idea is ours and owned by us and I see know harm in branding it as it is. We will popularize and encourage youths to visit it and access other services provided around it and  indiscriminately. Football should be considered as one of the activities for now. Football is easily politicised and is tricky to manage. I would in my considered opinion, recommend a silent approach in branding for now.

Lung'afa: Phew! A long one here Big bro. It shows you are hugely concerned and conversant with community dynamics alike. πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡

In reply, I will say that we got to have a viable youth dream as a CBO. It has to have active programs. And a football club is but one as I will also give my thought on the views raised. 

There at the Library we have had a favour to be lent a plot by @⁨Baba Kereda⁩ for a tree nursery.  It is the very football enthusiasts that will, with others, help us work on it. Of course as a CBO Youth Project. Even as we meet for a football club we got to have this as an AOB and hear from them, already tasked. 

That it is not at the pitch that our interactions start and end. It is only at evening on weekends that matches are organised. The better part of the week can have the youths in CBO programs. A simple one is a library user, a newspaper reader. 

Advocacy, Drug and substance abuse, Environmental conservation, Entrepreneurship et al will be easy to get by because of the initial links that they do feel they cared for. And as influential as they are at the field so we hope they be when participants of our future programs. 

Local leaders? We are inviting all people with youths interest in the area. So that the Nay Sayers can be heard. All individuals in a society have equal rights. That by persuasion and liking we may win the support of the interested. If there be unfound negative pulls it won't take long before they surface. An honest motive needs no defender. And as @⁨Baba Ndanyi⁩ has said, this is a CBO matter, we agree by ourselves. A Baraza out there  is not beneficial to us. And who are the Baraza conveners apart from CBO members or the yet to be passionate?  

In shortening it all, as @⁨Luvai⁩ cautions us on the purpose of the activity and not the branding, we look forward to winning Youths from the area to the CBO and symbiotically benefit each other. Let us share our course. It may at first be questioned but sooner reevaluated and found an honest one. We are not a cocoon of disorganised fellows on a mission to cause disorder as the banned Luo and Abaluhya FC's may have done. We are striving change agents collecting all available necessitating means to better our community. 

What says you @⁨Idia Evans⁩? You are on ground. You know majority of the youths. Aren't we justified? 😎😎

Baba Ndanyi: Somebody suggested how Avayonga, Avamaseero etc would identify themselves with Saniaga FC, I think we do what we feel is best for the community, let those who are struggling with a name tag deal with their consciences, we have never discriminated anybody on account of where they belong, we are simply a family extending a helping hand to the rest of the community; something else, we are not tribal, we are a perfect mixture of tribes, races etc;

Lung'afa: And we are not going to discriminate any youth or person who is involved in our activities. Just like any other integral organisation.  

A football team by the way a player suffers 90% in preparation and meeting targets. 10% is unto us, branding and facilitating. Of which the very facilitating enterprises would be having the very chaps as producers. We only need Smartness, not Caution. Or little of it. πŸ˜‡πŸ˜Ž

Jiragwa: Yah true and we shall work with anyone who is willing
[3/13, 21:24] Lung'afa: πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ . Bro, are you persuaded or there remains a caution? 

We depend on you as we head to the uncharted waters. 😎😎

Govedi Muzami: I agree with 'a family extending a helping hand to the rest of the community' ....sorry I am just paying a keen interest on inclusiveness and non discrimination.....and looking forward to drafting concept notes for funding. If we don't address that from the beginning tutakuwa na shida ya kuandika convincing proposals.

Lumadi Jenyeka: With such great ideas,there in comes the need for proper planning so we are not chasing multiple ventures and outstretching ourselves or even going ahead of ourselves.
I completely support the idea of a football club but we set a calendar during the AGM that I think we should try and stick to at this moment.We already have one not for profit entity going on- the library We should at least grow a for profit venture before picking up another non-profit.

Lung'afa: πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Hey, before the lamp is put off...

If we think of Saniaga in the perception of Nondi, Yonga, Gusuhi et al, we will be speaking traditions, taboos and history. But Saniaga we speaking of here is an organisation that in essence, bears a supposedly 'historical' name which holds no water and in practise won't be defined in relation to Gisunda but what it envisions.

The proposal bears Saniaga as a name. Like Fox, like Kenya. There would be no paragraph discussing Saniaga in relation to Sachi. πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜ŽπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. 

For what is in a name? A rose would smell fair still. But when you are a Montague...😁😁.

Idia Evans: Always amontague

Lung'afa: For reenergising ourselves, may as many ideas come on board. Most of us are not yet captioned. And aren't tasked. And their potentials can be captures if we stroke the Saniaga torch about, not lighting the same place long. 

AGM had one main resolution; Capacitate Saniaga Sacco. And an AOB of capacitating another (other) Saniaga Libraries. Updates on the same are often laid here and the response is little for a fast runner. πŸ˜πŸ˜†. 

Allow the boys to go at the field when the month is long and SACCO updates are flowing slow.

Govedi Muzami: I agree and Lumadi you remember I mentioned priorities but who decides the priorities? Is it is as Saniaga's or is it a participatory process towards confirming and adopting them? Are we doing things that we think are good for the community or is the community presenting to us what is their needs? We need to have a good take off and with the good will of the ones to benefit.

Lung'afa: Both Ways. 

A participatory process aims not to redesign or change flow of action. It is aimed at considering methods of action. 

Views are good. But commitment is noble. Had we come here to ask whether Saniaga Library should work with primary and secondary schools for debates, what would be the responses?  Budgets and Priorities, Capacity and Dynamics. All those second thoughts. But we doing fine because we are the Action team. 

We have a Working Team that is not 'working elsewhere' but for Saniaga. This team needs activities -and advice. The best to give them is sound advise and not a limiting thought of action.

Lung'afa: A Montague? Wish I was not A Capulet.

Baba Kereda: vasaniaga !!!

Lumadi Jenyeka: It's one thing to hold debates for schools and another altogether to 'sponsor' a sports team.This obviously is a long-term commitment that requires resources.There is no harm in the said 'working team' having ventures that do not necessarily carry the CBO's identity,if general consensus is not what you are after

Govedi Muzami: I am not worried about our end bro. I am focusing on the other end. That element of kidogo participation from their end has to get considered. We will navigate our ship with strength of our sails😊. Any way let's cross the river when we get thereπŸƒπŸΏπŸƒπŸΏπŸƒπŸΏπŸƒπŸΏ

Lung'afa: We are not 'sponsoring'. We are 'branding'. In short, mentoring one. You wont be branding a team that others have made. We starting way below and know that they are 'our' boys we talking of here. 

As per our ability, we are going to remain a grassroot team. When the resources come, we shall have a consensus as to whether we 'sponsor'. 

At the end the back rests on responsible people for the idea. Whether they shall, despite foreseen challenges, triumph. You not going to play. You not going to commit 90%. Let  not the 10% kill ideas. 

Give chances, suggest 'simplicity' of them. And even if you are uninterested now, the days may prove.

Bensolo Ndanyi: Branding requires something to be good and professional  

My point

Lung'afa: Then maybe we are not yet free. We need to shed off 'clan tag' when going about with our activities. So that there is a big difference to say you are a Saniaga or you work for Saniaga. 

Saniaga FC will have its micro leadership. That won't be 'saniaga' (the clan). It will be of merit, from youths in,  that encourages performance. 

We wont task all of us to Saniaga FC. But we will approach some of us and others in the community to be Patrons. By their acceptance they shall take the team ahead where the CBO may not help. The CBO can only provide soft support. E.g place of meeting, identity of team and forth. 

-Let us relook on this

Govedi Muzami: My small participation, and I end mine thereπŸ™ŒπŸΏ. We have very impeccable resourceful minds here. Can we see how to scale up participation from herein before going yonder bro?

Baba Ndanyi: We will not shade of clan tag, Saniaga is an identity not a tag please, if we fear other people's reactions then we create weakness in our membership, fear is a weak point and those who want to destroy us will hammer at that 'fear' factor!

Lung'afa: It is Morning Again. 

Saniaga Sacco
Paybill 400222
A/c 218403#name
- Please forward the payment text. 

As we wait for the impeccable minds, let us wallow in experimentation and passion. The minds may be interested in discussing results than action. πŸ˜‡ 

A football club of the size we are talking about here can even be supported by a passionate hustler. We shall get going because it is on a pure voluntary basis.   

We also have a large Saniaga coverage in the area that we are justified to raise our head high because we can still make a formidable team going by @⁨Baba Ndanyi⁩ fearless Saniaga tag. But for inclusivity,  we will encourage all. 

- More of us needs to speak on this. πŸ“
