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Luanda Reggae Defenders - what is your long term agenda?

Luanda Reggae Defenders is a now a popular movement with roots in Vihiga and border Siaya and Kakamega counties Attention is brought to the manner and conduct the movement has gained fame and followers, mainly the Youths. The movement capitalizes on funerals. With a poor culture of putting the dead to rest, the Reggae Defenders have taken it by storm and rebranded the infamous ‘Disco Matanga’ – disco at funeral. Reggae Defenders on move. Pic: Charles Rankings: Facebook They mobilize quickly on the day the dead will be discharged from the mortuary. They have this huge old school sound system that is over buzzing to no clear reggae song - that they hire a pickup to carry - and it has a young DJ mainly standing there than mixing anything. Often, against the rules, the casket is grabbed from a hearse vehicle and tied to a motorbike. There it will be swayed and jerk breaked between other motorbikes on the narrow roads. That, is, how a fellow soldier, often a young dead, is mourned. ...

How about with benevolence?

Baba Ndanyi: Good morning family, hope mmeamka salama, I realize we are sentimental about berievent, it's natural to feel that way after loosing a loved one, people have to struggle to assist; my suggestion is that we form a 5 member welfare committee that would coordinate events like weddings, bereavements, and any other eventuality that may need our attention and input as a family; in this case we would want to use the Saniaga Sacco to cover every member, we set aside funds every year to cover such for our members and their immediate families, we can also contribute individually as the need may arise but the Sacco would have covered all members on that side. As I suggest I am aware of the existence of Saniaga Welfare Association, it would be up to the committee of 5 in to see how they can collaborate with the existing Saniaga welfare Association, any more suggestions or objections to my proposal?

Baba Ndanyi: For those who may manage to attend the burial of Stephen Amuyunzu please represent us, good day.

Luvai: Vuchee! A good idea, bcoz like it or not these unplanned occurrences pop up now and then. However, let us not burden the nascent Sacco with this load. Rather let that committee of five make recommendations on how to sustain a benevolent fund thru separate voluntary contributions, not savings or shares.

Victoria Ndanyi: My opinion too. Let sacco be for investment.
There should be a separate welfare fund/account

Govedi Muzami: Good idea. We started this discussion but was never concluded.

Baba Kereda: we need to support the welfare association on that front of a benevolent/welfare fund and it should be voluntary for purpose of commitment by members to that fund

Evans Muhali: I proposed here about a year ago that we should have a Benevolence kitty where each members cotributes 2000 each and the money is used when need arrises. This is how the kitty would work.
If a member is bereaved, we all agree for example to give 500 bob, the Money is withdrawn from the Benevolence kitty and given to the member immediately instead of starting a fundraising Which may not guarantee sufficient funds being raised. Its a faster way of helping a bereaved member.

Kibisu Joash: But what about decentralizing the bereavement and social welfare to the area of inhabitation eg. If I come from Matunda, the Matunda group to sort the issue. Centralising social issues might be our downfall. Let us embrace all Saniaga groups in our localities.

Baba Ndanyi: My idea is that once the Sacco is big enough, when it makes money from bank interests and other transactions, then it sets aside a small percentage of this money for the welfare of its members once in a year, most saccos do this and what the Sacco does, it takes group insurance that covers every member, its cheaper and gives more and fixed amounts as agreed and prompt(pronto).

Kibisu Joash: Yeah in the long run that's achievable

Lung'afa: Good people, you better settle on a way to sort bereavement and other areas of random contributions. For as much as it is not a Main activity of why we are here, more often it slaps us in the face when news of such comes. 

And monies that would otherwise have been well mobilized for tangible and progressive activities is otherwise sorrowfully and unaccountably "given away".   

And you will be added to a group or informed of a happening that you are drawn in mainly to support when otherwise you could have already sorted out with a futuristic association here. 

Let us discuss. Let us be active. Let us support initiatives. And initiatives will cater for collective help when necessary and as per what we shall agree on.

Govedi Muzami: My good people may I on behalf of the Amuyunzu's, express my sincerest gratitude on the support you've given to the family through your generous individual contributions. The support that I received through this group on short notice is overwhelming. Steve Amuyunzu will be laid to rest tommorow in Manyonyi Lugari.

Govedi Muzami: That said, I think we should have a way forward on how we will support in times like this. This should be by all means independent from the SACCO

George Gamugoyi: I think economic empowered should be emphasized much.So that when it comes to contributions towards welfare needs,its not a matter of struggle but we sail through easy,cos members purchasing power has been boosted
