She texted and I managed to text back. She is the girl my heart has been cursing. I was not myself for the day- malady effects? I went as far to tell her than I can marry her the very day I see her. Really? What was up with me? My blog is my diary. Enjoy
That is among the crazy ideas of late. Haven't I explored suicide? what of insomnia? I went to bed with least expectations of sleep. And when I slept...the dream was desperate.
The moon ran to hide in the clouds. I was desperate for its view in the smoky sky. I never saw it again for the clouds extended to a gloomy morning. I guessed where the moon was in the sky and captured. Our people burry a banana stem in one's grave when it is believed that a person died away and his body could not be brought for burial.
In the dream I was with the girl - the one I texted. We were walking past our neighbour and the son came out sad and in a midst of cry said, 'Even water is under the bed'. I heard and bent in a cunny cry that the neighbour knew what it was meant for. My neighbour has a populated house- aimless children brought to life. I mocked her for that. She responded by words I never understood.
Sitting outside alone, in a changed place, a certain lunatic was burning my basin over a fire- a stick held it high. It pained me. I shouted, 'I know the person who did this to me' and the guy turned to show he understood my point. I apologised quickly.
He came towards me, roughing me up on his shoulder. I tried to escape and be away from him but I couldn't. His face had rough fresh wounds as a sign of terror. As I tried to wail for help, no one heard- or they ignored. There was a woman who saw but continued her job. I was going to be harassed, abused and killed probably. What now?
My left hand got hold of his adam apple. And squeezed. And squeezed. I was not using much effort but it was getting hold of him. His eyes balled...he was going...I was well killing him...I was killing him! I was getting free...a call waked me up. I often shut my phone. I forgot.
Desperation? It can be that bad with such tragic consequences. And I waited for what the stars had for me in the day. The book I am reading is Confessions of a Sociopath by M.E. Thomas.
Thank you.
The moon may be someone there. Is it? |
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