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Luanda Reggae Defenders - what is your long term agenda?

Luanda Reggae Defenders is a now a popular movement with roots in Vihiga and border Siaya and Kakamega counties Attention is brought to the manner and conduct the movement has gained fame and followers, mainly the Youths. The movement capitalizes on funerals. With a poor culture of putting the dead to rest, the Reggae Defenders have taken it by storm and rebranded the infamous ‘Disco Matanga’ – disco at funeral. Reggae Defenders on move. Pic: Charles Rankings: Facebook They mobilize quickly on the day the dead will be discharged from the mortuary. They have this huge old school sound system that is over buzzing to no clear reggae song - that they hire a pickup to carry - and it has a young DJ mainly standing there than mixing anything. Often, against the rules, the casket is grabbed from a hearse vehicle and tied to a motorbike. There it will be swayed and jerk breaked between other motorbikes on the narrow roads. That, is, how a fellow soldier, often a young dead, is mourned. ...

A quick one to empower our people??

Baba Ndanyi: Before I wish you a good and blessed night, I wish to just ask family members, how can we economically empower our people? Any suggestions?

-‬: Agribusiness and education.

Fanuel Igunza: By empowering especially young people to start reliable businesses.
By helping youth get reliable employment in both government and private sectors.
Senior members being mentors and providing guidance and counselling to the youth.
Remember the youth are the majority in the current society.

-‬: we can encourage our youth to grab the available opportunities, its true youth have been neglected, no body talks to them about development issues, For example in my ward we have a new well equipped polytechnic( Lotego) how many youth have joined it despite it being funded

-‬: Nowadays talents pays well, the question is have we done enough to realize these talents, talk of music, drama, athletics, badminton, volleyball, handball,javelin, rugby, and many more other games

-‬: Talk of artisan courses

Baba Ndanyi: What can we do immediately that can be seen by those who may have the means to come to assist us, I am targeting youth fund, women fund, etc?

-‬: What do you have in mind? We have given you areas of concern

Baba Ndanyi: I was somewhere in Central, Kirinyaga side, apart from the alcoholism and other substance abuse, I think they are fat ahead of us in making use of youth fund, women empowerment fund etc, both at County and National government levels, they even pay addicts to rehabilitate them. Can we urge our leaders to do something, and we offer our offices as conduits to train and recommend suitable individuals and groups for such funding?

-: Good idea but you know our leaders very well, they seem not to care about youths

Baba Ndanyi: Brainstormvon this guys, we better take the bull by the horns, I know very many of us do not like loans, but currently it's the only way to better our living standards; let's be serious on this, eventually Saniaga CBO will be facilitating this.

-‬: I agree

Baba Ndanyi: At some point in future we will be training our boys and girls for free, but we got to start from somewhere using what is readily available, let's go guys!

Baba Ndanyi: But where do we start, any ideas?

Fanuel Igunza: Commercial poultry farming.

Baba Ndanyi: @⁨Fanuel Igunza⁩ 
Can we get place to start by ourselves on a small scale then grow?  That one we do not need a loan, we can volunteer, we only need proper management.

Fanuel Igunza: Place? No problem....any of our homes can do. What we need is to set up poultry house...we can get advice from our agricultural offices around on how to start.

Jackson Kafuna: Hi all. My prescription is this. Our youth should not be forced to repeat classes. If one fails at class 8, that youth should be attached to any artisan of any trade that he or she prefers. Similarly at form four level, the youth should be encouraged to join TVET institutions to learn some trade. All in all we should strive to be self employed.  Desist from formal employment

Baba Ndanyi: Hi guys, my proposal is still pending, I am insisting on economic empowerment of our people, we still have the yoghurt project on the cards but we can sambaza ourselves into various projects, we are many, I insist we take a plunge.

Baba Kereda: Iam in yoghurt

Lung'afa: I am for yoghurt too

Karani Victor: 👀yoghurt too

Baba Ndanyi: For the project to take off, I offered to house the project so as to minimize on costs of hiring premises, also the availability of milk nearer to my place, we will need volunteer marketers; also ways of registration and getting relevant documents

Karani Victor: Wow👏👏👏
This is called passion. 
Then this idea (project) should be debated strongly to sink in willing hearts

Lung'afa: My wish is that we all forcus on Saniaga Yoghurt. We have been talking about it for some good time now. All of us will feature somewhere. What we need is to start. We had even concluded on implements. What more? 

- Say Yes and see it happen.

Fanuel Igunza: Let's try something that will be easier to begin. Yoghurt project is not as easy as you think. Being a ready food product it requires alot of input in terms of capital and health certification. It needs equipments.
Patrick came up with a budget plan but people went mum....what happened?
Patrick can you repost the plan.

Lung'afa: It is not difficult. Certificates are easy to get! The plan was 250K for a start. That is very little brother depending on our numbers here.

Baba Ndanyi: I partly agree with @⁨Fanuel Igunza⁩ and am aware of the beurocratic bottlenecks involved in setting up a food processing plant, but we cannot just give up; while still on this, please consider a Saniaga Sacco; risky ventures eh, but let's push hard on such!

Baba Ndanyi: One of the pluses we have within the family is that we boast of nearly all professions on board, doctors, engineers, accountants, senior managers, bankers, reputable professors, professional teachers, name it, we are all here, what can't we do?

Fanuel Igunza: Yes!a Sacco will do better and the initiatives will be run by the Sacco coz it will have the financial muscle

Fanuel Igunza: The problem with all these professionals is that we do not want to venture into other things other than our careers.
Senior professionals are not interested in mentoring the young energetic professionals....reason they know themselves

Lung'afa: Which is this mega step in being legalised to produce food product? 

It is either we go into this as a block or as a team of the willing. Hapaaaana bembelezana. 

Maybe we needed a serious timeline for the yoghurt proposal. Then the committed to start it. Wengine tutapeana mawaidha mbele. 

Baba Ndanyi: Is there a member of this family professionally versed in the setting up and running a Sacco, please come forth we need your services!

Erick Author: I think so too.
