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Luanda Reggae Defenders - what is your long term agenda?

Luanda Reggae Defenders is a now a popular movement with roots in Vihiga and border Siaya and Kakamega counties Attention is brought to the manner and conduct the movement has gained fame and followers, mainly the Youths. The movement capitalizes on funerals. With a poor culture of putting the dead to rest, the Reggae Defenders have taken it by storm and rebranded the infamous ‘Disco Matanga’ – disco at funeral. Reggae Defenders on move. Pic: Charles Rankings: Facebook They mobilize quickly on the day the dead will be discharged from the mortuary. They have this huge old school sound system that is over buzzing to no clear reggae song - that they hire a pickup to carry - and it has a young DJ mainly standing there than mixing anything. Often, against the rules, the casket is grabbed from a hearse vehicle and tied to a motorbike. There it will be swayed and jerk breaked between other motorbikes on the narrow roads. That, is, how a fellow soldier, often a young dead, is mourned. ...

Saniaga Sacco as a birthday idea?

Baba Ndanyi: On a serious note, can someone spearhead the formation of a Saniaga Sacco, I think that's where we can grow?

Baba Ndanyi: Fanuel please can you personally take the initiative, we will assist as much as we can, timeline, immediately?

Lung'afa: Let Fanuel lead the way.

Baba Ndanyi: Saniaga Family should be member no. 0001

Pat Ngoda: I guess so. Inafaa wazee wamukalishe

Baba Ndanyi: @⁨Fanuel Igunza⁩ 
I am waiting for the initiative of starting a S-SACCO, membership fee for the sacco 200/, minimum monthly contribution to the sacco at least 200/ which is equivalent to one share, we can send direct to the bank a/c @ coop bank and inform treasurer to receipt, can we start; rules of engagement would follow later.

Joash Safcom: Playbill

Joash Safcom: The account number please

Baba Ndanyi: We will use the current one for the S - CBO, later after registration of the sacco, we may see the need to separate the two accounts and hence the pay bill numbers.

Baba Ndanyi: Saniaga CBO Mpesa pay bill no. 400222 a/c no. 218403#your name, enter your mpesa pin, send

Baba Ndanyi: @⁨Lung'afa⁩ 
Hi Patty, are you in the picture?

Pat Ngoda: Kumbe hapa kunaendaje bro.

Pat Ngoda: Sawa seen. Hapa niko ndani, ndani ndani. When do we start

Fanuel Igunza: I was for the idea we register the Sacco first then we recruit serious members with monthly contributions.
But any other viable procedure you are suggesting will do.
The only obstacle is people to embrace the idea.

Baba Ndanyi: Since the contributions are to be deposited in the Saniaga CBO a/c, those who are serious with the idea can make their commitment earlier, it's better we start this time; I will make my payment for the same before end of this week together with other pending payments, library, membership etc

Lung'afa: @⁨Baba Ndanyi⁩, I am following. Those of the idea to follow suit. I am in.

Fanuel Igunza: Dear 218403, Customer JOASH IRAZIA   has sent Kshs 400 for payment Ref:joash kibisu to your collection account.

Fanuel Igunza: ☝one member has registered....wengine wafuate

Joash Safcom: Let's assume all of us are saniaga Sacco members. What will be our monthly collection.? After one year how much will be worth? Tujiunge na Sacco. The Sacco will take care of other projects. My opinion

Baba Ndanyi: Good morning family, it's true as indicated by @⁨Joash Safcom⁩ 
that the Saniaga Sacco can take care of other projects we may have now and in future, @ 200 kshs per month it may take a long time to raise enough funds for anything serious, but we can't fail if we are focused; also 200 kshs is just the minimum to put everyone on board, one can put in as much as they can manage, you raise your shares by putting in more, when dividends are declared the one who put in more, benefits most.

Lung'afa: By the way today is our birthday. This group was formed on such a day. 7-8-2017. And so far we have made enormous progress. 

Now, today as we celebrate, I am for the Sacco idea. Could we decide on payments and all that today? So that we can have today as a ground breaking day? 

Happy Birthday Saniaga Family Forum!

Baba Ndanyi: Great, happy birthday to us all, my contributions will come any time from now, it'll for 5  members

Karani Victor: How much for the registration

Karani Victor: Happy birthday

Joash Safcom: @⁨Fanuel Igunza⁩ 
I am waiting for the initiative of starting a S-SACCO, membership fee for the sacco 200/, minimum monthly contribution to the sacco at least 200/ which is equivalent to one share, we can send direct to the bank a/c @ coop bank and inform treasurer to receipt, can we start; rules of engagement would follow later.

-‬: We need a comprehensive constitution and bylaws to govern this. Plus proper planning.

-Joash Safcom: I hope the guys on this group with Sacco expertise will be in a position to shed more light to this.

-‬: It is very simple so long as goals and objectives are clear.There must be a common bond tying the Sacco members.A similar Sacco should not be in existence.We then need to involve the Subcounty Cooperatives office to facilitate registration.The queue at the commisioners is quite long so the earlier the better.

Joash Safcom: Chairman members are pessimistic about their contributions. They need assurance that this is not a schematic rip off.

Baba Ndanyi: @⁨Joash Safcom⁩ 
The fear of a rip off scheme is always there, it's a healthy feeling, but it's members like you who should safeguard the sacco from such mischief, always be in the know; but let not that fear stop us from launching and contributing our resources to such a course; personally I have been a member of a sacco that built me to where I am, it's an idea worth getting into. I want to assure members that I will do my best to safeguard their contributions, I know Patrick and Fanuel will agree with me on that one

Joash Safcom: Now that the chairman has assured us can we try and buy these shares before the end of this week?

Baba Ndanyi: The interim arrangement is that the officials of Saniaga CBO will just act to facilitate the formation of the Saniaga Sacco pending registration of the Sacco, after which we will call a meeting to elect officials of the Sacco.
