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The Kamnara of Sakwa are making ground to build for future generations

Greetings from the Kamnara of Sakwa! The Kamnara people of Sakwa on 27th December 2024 gathered at Village Park, Ajigo (near Bondo). Hosted by Kwaka Joseph, they hearkened to the consultative forum call, arriving in good numbers and early enough for a successful day. The gathering was chaired by Mr. Nying’ro James Onyango, a former (retired) assistant commissioner of Police. The introductions were excellent. The genealogies were mentioned in reverence, lengthy ones applauded. And courtesy of Enos Oyaya’s book, “Kamnara my people”, anyone who would need help had the documentation. Oyaya had launched the Kamnara book on 30th December 2022 at his home in Kamnara Mwalo, an event that gathered Vakamnara from far and wide. “What can we do that the generations to come will benefit from?” This was the clarion Mr. Kwaka Joseph called on all to fashion their minds to. And issues were raised in the fields of Education, health, agriculture, enterprise, politics and more that the swift dholuo would...

Gonya, ngonya, Help, Help me!

Lung'afa: Oh. Silence reigned family! 

We had France and Obama. 

The latter. Obama. And the sister. She is now called 'gonya'. In luo, help. As in maragoli, 'ngonya'. The lowest form of seeking advancement.

Baba Ndanyi: I was looking at the Obama function in Kogelo, and I thought we cannot just watch in pantomime, we can start such a project and while at it, we approach Dr. Auma Obama to assist, I understand she schooled in Germany like our own Dr. Jeska Sidika; madam Sidika, what chance do we have?

Baba Ndanyi: When I watched France win the FIFA World Cup, I realized many Kenyans' varying sentiments, France was the darling of most Jubilee leaning supporters while Croatia popular with NASA supporters, despite the fact that France had the face of Africa, but just because they bungled the elections by refusing to open the election servers most Kenyans refused to recognize backdoor African win!

Lung'afa: We shall get there. We on track. 

Our website, is on and it will continue being editted. We will customise it perfectly. 

We are on the path, aren't we? That it would not be a good morning if we were not!

Baba Kereda: Yes we can

Brown Indumwa: Though critics had these to say

Theres always something you can learn from the critics. While you were dismissing them as jealous and negative, I picked the following which if Auma picked two and dismissed the other two, she will be better off.

1. First of all there is no such thing as youth development agenda. 
Youth is a transient stage of life. You develop people, not a stage of their lives. In Kenya, the youth are traditionally treated as  vulnerable group fit for exploitation and using this politically correct terminology as a goal of Sauti Kuu makes it look dubious and dead on arrival. Look at NYS. Enough said.

2. Poor leadership no teamwork. 
Sauti Kuu homepage starts with a photo of her. Alone.  Auma made it look like a one man show and was all over chaperoning Obama like a mother hen and did not allow her team members to share the spotlight. Her team members no doubt would've wanted to appear in some shots. 
Leaders should be like candles and should not be afraid that if others shine, they will lose their light. The visionary and strategically gainful thing for her would have been to introduce her team to Obama and let them explain to Obama and herself what sauti kuu does. Thats how you empower and elevate your team. But she singularly hogged the spotlight.

3. Lack of self-awareness and oversimplifying complex social problems. 
Priveledge is thinking that gonya-gonya culture is a choice and that collecting computers in a center, planting vegetables and shouting yes we can, can bring culture change.
Gonya gonya is not a problem: it is a symptom of a problem. The reason she is not on the receiving end is not because of any special talents but because of priveledge which makes donors from Germany and elsewhere flock to her side with cash to fund all sorts of projects and do photoshoots. That she seems unaware of this casts her as someone who has not adequately reflected about societal dynamics and influences that shape people's fortunes and attitudes.

4. Overstating her significance and Losing sight of herself in the real scheme of things.

Other than being Obama's sister, she has no notable achievements. She fits the dreadlocked, liberal, twanging NGO-type profile to a T. If you remove Obama from her side, she immediately loses significance and is reduced to a shuffling head of an obscure outfit whose sustainability is in doubt and slavishly relies on her celebrity brother for validation and not its actual output and impact on the lifestyles of the youth. 
Many young people get donors and open centers for youth to engage themselves and build their talents. It doesn't make them authorities on development. She should've stuck to showcasing what her center does without getting pompous and lecturing people like she has the solution and they are the problem.
Grandstanding did not improve her position.

By Jared Aliet

Lung'afa: Quite a strong rebuff from Jared, I would like to respond briefly. 

But again, what has Jared done? What are his achievements? Criticking? 

It is true there is nothing like investing in 'youths'. But you cannot castigate a mission to empower people of a certain age bracket. Through such ways several people learn. 

I know that there is always a big gap between the prophet and the congregation. Motivations behind some ideals border personal sacrifices. And those who are targeted to be reached and in ways be inspired to greatness rarely make it. The society is full of the nay sayers. 

On NGO world operation, let us who are dreadlocked  and liberal have our way. We do not subscribe to the usual culture of suits and closed shoes, ties and watches, 8am-5pm regulations. We have extra standards. We call sheep sheeps! We say gonya as GONYA! 

And more often our efforts GERMINATE and the critics call it GERMANY donation. Not at all. That you are funded. That you do it to attract donors. Nyef. Get your mind from that prison, hit the road with us and you will find that chanda chema huvishwa pete! 

Sometimes there are fails of assertion. Like someone would complain that one is too much in an organisation. You fail. We have ambassadors. The face of an activity. They need to be in the light. Always. Often it is not to their want. Sometimes it is. And some prefer not in light. Same thing. 

So Jared, back to where I began, WHAT ARE YOU DOING FOR HUMANITY? 

-With Thanks

Erick Author: Wait until your sister, mother or son stops attending family meetings because of some new found faith! 
Wait until they start accusing you as evil and call your church demonic! 
Wait until your beautiful wife changes her dressing and now dresses like Cinderella! 
Wait until they stop thinking investment and development because Jesus is coming soon! 
Wait until they start to deny you conjugal rights because they want to keep themselves holy and are always on long fasts! 
Wait until your son or daughter drops out of school because they see no reason for studying. After all Jesus is just about to show up! 
Wait until your husband starts taking all the family savings to the holy altar and has no money to spend on family!
Wait until they stop to value work and yet blame poverty on the devil. 
Wait until your wife sleeps in the cold and stands under some holy rain and ends up getting Pneumonia then blames it on the devil. 
Wait until your employee takes unnecessary offs and leave just because of a new found faith in a certain man! Zero production at work. 
Wait until your employee stops mixing up with others because he or she feels too holy! 
Wait until all of a sudden your wife or husband sees demons in everything you do!
Wait until they start taking instructions from the 'man of God' yet ignore you as the husband. 

Then you will understand cults can be dangerous to development and progress and we should not cease to caution ourselves.

Brown Indumwa: Kuria said Obama was well placed to bring development to Kenya when he was in the White House but failed

- The Gatundu South MP chided Obama for delivering what he termed shallow speech after zero practical development

- He claimed Raila deliberately skipped Obama's tour to K'Ogelo because of 'beggars' remark by Obama's sister, Auma

- Interestingly, the same Raila is said to be meeting Obama again in South Africa

- Kuria is the second local politician to openly question Obama's development record in Kenya after Khalwale

Gatundu South Member of Parliament Moses Kuria has accused retired US president Barack Obama for pretending to care about Kenya yet he did not bring development in his ancestral home K'Ogelo, Siaya County, when he was still in power.

The outspoken lawmaker also appeared to have issues with Obama's well read sister, Auma Obama, who has been on the receiving end for asking Luos to stop being 'beggars' and for allegedly mocking Luo Nyanza leaders.

Victoria Ndanyi: 😆😆 are you a victim?

Baba Ndanyi: @⁨Brown Indumwa⁩ 
Moses Kuria is not being realistic, I would  do the same thing if I were Obama. If Obama had brought any development funds in Kenya, and he had the capability of doing so, the money would have ended in a few people's pockets Kuria's included, what with the corruption scandals being unearthed every new day? No we would have tarnished Obama's  name by misusing American tax payer's money; and by the way who should ask for development funds, we or Obama? Kenya lost a chance of a lifetime by treating Obama as an ordinary Luo and not as the President of the most powerful nation on earth, it is just now that people like Kuria are pretending to pick a bone with Obama, bure kabisa.

Neccy Flossy: Thought it, 'konya' Dholuo and 'Nkonya' L'logooli but sounds 'ngonya' being 'g', and 'k' and 'ng' and 'nk' diferences.
