Muhindira Chuma is said to have been born at Visiru. The area of Magui. He migrated to Chanda and later waZivi at Hambale. His lineage is of Anyima wa Kihunwa wa Andaati of Ahai descendent.
Andaati was of Visiru, died there. His son, Anyima, was a warrior. It is reported there was a bloody war at Lugaga against Vavo of Seme where he fought. Anyima was killed in this war. There would be no one to collect the body for burial. In such terror, Chuma 'fled'.
His brothers were called Mwangara and Mukuzi Kodemo. Mukuzi would migrate to Migori, Kakrao, in his aged years, 1954. Mwangara was eldest and unfortunately did not beget an offspring. He is however remembered for his stamina in recruiting able youths to Kenya African Rifles colonial force.
The first wife of Chuma, Fedda Kadiinya, muNondi, was a tall imposing lady. Sister to Chief Simon Jumba of South Maragori, she had auxiliary pride of the time. She would name children from her motherland. Ngoda is one name.
Her daughters, Atonya Jeriha, Eside Ugayi, Esnas Mugadu would marry to Magui, Mambai and iMbihi respectively. Her two sons, Joram Chuma and Harun Matevwa would settle at waZivi and Chambiti respectively. Chuma had bought the land at Chambiti too.
There there at Chambiti, Chuma begot one Rugwiri with a muMasingira. Then down at Ondeyo, with the decease of Madede, he begot Dishon Kafuna and Kinavosege, a girl with Dinah Musimbi.
Chuma was also known as Mayoya, his occupation dealing in cattle and meat. He was fond of adorning himself with kanzu ( _riana_ )
Joram was born Ng'afa but Fedda, his mother, preferred calling him Ngoda. He schooled at Government African School Kakamega (Now Kakamega High School) and was a notable athlete. He would first marry Loice Sagina, muSanga, and later Truphena Diya when the first marriage broke. He had had a boy and two girls and would later have eleven children with the latter (Six sons Five daughters). The boy in that first marriage would die young. His working with the courts and living in places as Bungoma would make his children grow to get fond of the place.
Joram's children would be influenced naming by Fedda, their grandmother. Mukayagi Ngoda, for instance, was born Musivoji. Fedda renamed. She tried it on Bearnerd Matevwa to be called Risingu. But it did not stick this time. Her navizara, Trufena Diya, muDidi, had eleven children. Joram's children by her.
On Harun's side, it were best Chambiti was reached and in knowing his descendants, more on Chuma there is told.
-/With Thanks
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