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Luanda Reggae Defenders - what is your long term agenda?

Luanda Reggae Defenders is a now a popular movement with roots in Vihiga and border Siaya and Kakamega counties Attention is brought to the manner and conduct the movement has gained fame and followers, mainly the Youths. The movement capitalizes on funerals. With a poor culture of putting the dead to rest, the Reggae Defenders have taken it by storm and rebranded the infamous ‘Disco Matanga’ – disco at funeral. Reggae Defenders on move. Pic: Charles Rankings: Facebook They mobilize quickly on the day the dead will be discharged from the mortuary. They have this huge old school sound system that is over buzzing to no clear reggae song - that they hire a pickup to carry - and it has a young DJ mainly standing there than mixing anything. Often, against the rules, the casket is grabbed from a hearse vehicle and tied to a motorbike. There it will be swayed and jerk breaked between other motorbikes on the narrow roads. That, is, how a fellow soldier, often a young dead, is mourned. ...

The Viraha

With vaSaniaga gentlemen at Bugina. From left is Indangasi, Kivisi, Isigi and Indumwa on the right

Also called Viraha vaNjiro, the grandson of Muti, it is strongly claimed that one Jakamnara, a Luo, with a lady from Maragori, begot a 'shared' child. The child would become 'Wa Kwasanga, Saniaga' with Luos being Vasanji. And Saniaga would beget 7 sons. Though there became grandsons/children from other wives who would acquire other identities as all Saniaga sons.

With Saniaga dispersal point pointing Kirindiru, coming to Gavaraji and Ikumba, before further going, the Northern route would have extended from Ikumba to Iduku to Igunga to Rong'erere to Lusui to Idakho and beyond. But same as a break was put by Kamadi the white to prevent further entry iVutwa, Chief Shivachi prevented the northern advent. Stopping them from coming further Rogose (Yala) river, the then boundary to Igaragori river, he in fact had wives across stream coming to Kiragiru. He enjoyed his chiefdom with headmen as Odanga working under him. Before he would become a chief too. Those who had secured lands there had to relocate, making Ivole the furthest village north of Ikumba.

Muti, the early ancestor of Ambuzi waRung'azo and and Viraha too, would then dwelve at the present Bugina location. Muti begot Ruhungu and Rivona. Rivona begot Kidimu
Kidimu, Rung'azo. Rung'azo, Ambuzi. We have shared the Ambuzi genealogy here before.  On the other hand, Ruhungu begot Njiro* who begot Viraha. Viraha that begot Ayodi.

Viraha married a lady from Idakho called Chivohorora and begot seven children. Ayodi, Mode that died in war, Mungu, Kadira, Magamu, Mang'amu and Rivona.

Ayodi married Kaveza, muKuzuzu. And begot Ambeva, Akurinda and Mugita. Mugita begot Shem Isigi, 67 years now.

Migration to Bugina went on with Kivisi from iChavakari called in by Ambuzi. One Timona Agamu, for instance, came in lately as a Teacher and settled there, in continuation of Northward movement. Not to mention Handidi, Lugulu and ahead where Saniaga would head to in expansion.

Musa Indumwa Ambuzi, 86, who was present in this tale, spoke of his father, Ambuzi, going to market pots eNdereti (Called sixty four before the present name Eldoret) and one stopover would be at chief Arap Titi's home. Reciprocating, Arap Titi would also often visit Bugina to see him, a relationship that termed/viewed/reflected/(As he is said around but not at Nandi) Arap Titi a Saniaga. Ambuzi called Ayodi vudada.

/-With Thanks
