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Luanda Reggae Defenders - what is your long term agenda?

Luanda Reggae Defenders is a now a popular movement with roots in Vihiga and border Siaya and Kakamega counties Attention is brought to the manner and conduct the movement has gained fame and followers, mainly the Youths. The movement capitalizes on funerals. With a poor culture of putting the dead to rest, the Reggae Defenders have taken it by storm and rebranded the infamous ‘Disco Matanga’ – disco at funeral. Reggae Defenders on move. Pic: Charles Rankings: Facebook They mobilize quickly on the day the dead will be discharged from the mortuary. They have this huge old school sound system that is over buzzing to no clear reggae song - that they hire a pickup to carry - and it has a young DJ mainly standing there than mixing anything. Often, against the rules, the casket is grabbed from a hearse vehicle and tied to a motorbike. There it will be swayed and jerk breaked between other motorbikes on the narrow roads. That, is, how a fellow soldier, often a young dead, is mourned. ...

Watch out, spouse conflicts can be so damaging

-: Good morning family, just wondering how far one can go to inherit billions, it's so sad that guys can be hired for 40k to torture and kill; at the end of it all the hirer and the hired will spend their lives in jail and the billions they'll miss

-: People have become heartless and inhuman

-: Sometimes in the mid nineties a lady locked her ailing husband in the house so that he dies quickly for her to inherit the wealth,  the man died yes but she didn't factor in the work the man put in to maintain the wealth and lifestyle they lived; one by one she sold the assets, the plots, the houses, the vehicles, until she had nothing, 20+ years down the line she is struggling to make ends meet!!

-: The worst part is that she is renting one of the houses that were theirs originally!!

-: But still, why did the man continue living under the same roof with someone he had antagonised by publicly excluding her from his will(and probably other ways)???! If you have billions you can live anywhere on the planet ..maybe even on another planet!! Why did he continually place himself at the mercy of someone who had reasons and the capability of murdering him?! That's the importance of the extended families we Africans have. If your people see you placing your our life in such danger they would immediately step in and save you from yourself.

-: 1. The woman stuck to the man bcoz she was interested in having that big hse. She should have moved and left the man alone.
2. I think the man didn't have Kenyan citizenship. It's not easy to get Kenyan papers when u are a foreigner and u don't want to go the corruption way.
3 this man had reported severally to the police station but the very officer who was in charge had already been compromised by the wife. They had colluded to intimidate this guy. He was always being threatened with deportation and could even have been framed up for drug trafficking..etc according to information sources.

-: Remember everything was his including the house they were staying in, he didn't know how to chase the lady away, he is not an African!!

-: And what would happen if he just went back home with his billions and comfortably lived there? Yaari niyita yo vwaha?! It doesn't make sense to me that you would still go back and sleep under the same roof with someone that you've even reported to the police!!!!🀷🏾‍♂🀷🏾‍♂🀷🏾‍♂🀷🏾‍♂🀷🏾‍♂

-: He had the option of leaving. Si when most mzungu marriages end ,it's the man that leaves?! He should have left her the house and bought ten other houses. With his billions.

-: Really, can you do that if it were you?

-: U are making it look very simple/trivial.  Unfortunately, the victim isnt there to give his story. There's more unknown than is known.

-: *mzungu marriages. They get resolved legally. Didn't you hear the man had filed for  divorce but the 'wife' kept interfering?

-: My concern is, why did he continue living under the same roof after antagonising her by instigating the divorce proceedings and excluding her from his will?! His first move should have been faaaaaaar away from her.

-: Weeell...looks like common sense and simple logic to me, whatever the circumstances were . The first priority should be to keep your life safe...whatever else you'll be losing.

-: @⁨Erick Author⁩ if u were living in a foreign country for 32years and ended up marrying there, and putting all your investments of your youthful and energetic years in the very country that has become your home.. then u may have a slight feel of what the innocent man went through.

-: U are a local and haven't invested much outside your ancestral home. U have a fall back position since ur risks are minimal.

-: Revert back to my basic argument. Staying alive is supreme...whatever else you lose. I rest my case.πŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎ

-: @⁨Erick Author⁩ , think about a wife disorganizing a man at 70years...
There is a way men operate. Bouncing back after a crisis in life may not be very easy for men compared to women.

-: Valid argument. Let's assume the 'mzungu' was well informed. He could afford other properties. He was a millionaire. Not saying the wife is innocent but this story has many gaps.

-: Baaas! At last, someone who sees my point. And then ,what exactly were his activities ?! How come someone could hold him at ransom for so long if he was all legal and kosher??! I've personally witnessed wahindi ukwambari who have gone through the naturalisation process and become bona fide citizens without much stress.

-: Does it really matter?! Shouldn't it even be easier if one is married to a citizen of the couhe is seeking the citizenship of?! Ama you're implying the vahindi don't have anyone to bully and blackmail them?!🀷🏾‍♂🀷🏾‍♂😁

-: Exactly! If it was on a spur if the moment regardless of skin colour, sawa. But this has been painted to have been going on fora while why didn't the mzungu just leave?

-: They got married 2017? Was it said so? That's too short a time in marriage to  conclude contraversial issues. From say 60-70yrs people or individuals are set already in their own ways. Both are kichwa ngumus by the way. No one moulds the other however women tend to step back but the determined for a fight become dengerous. "men watch". However, the women are not ready to leave a home easily they will fight to death. Couples must trade carefully in relationship at these ages (whether mzungu or African). Truth is the woman has the powers kind of, trust me and as much as the man may think he has powers.. he only tries hard to safeguard his reputation. Some  comments on this wall are surprising. I wonder how many Saniagas here will just stand up and leave their homes as the advices beimg given to this muzungu?

-: Yeah! A lot of unanswered questions. It's a bad thing for a human being to end up so brutally and we sympathise with all those affected...but still...he comes across as someone of questionable character and conduct.

-: And that's just the point. A 60 year old won't tolerate they'll divorce ASAP. Why didn't he? He had enough wealth to share it in divorce.   Why kill him?

-: @⁨Erick Author⁩ this guy didn't know what to do, he thought there would be a reasoning out with the woman, but in Kenya we don't reason, we go for the ultimate prize hook or crook. He had no idea what hit him!

-: There's that Mzee...Arap Moi's buddy...Kibor? Isn't he older than this Cohen ? Yet he's still happily marrying and divorcing wives when he wants to!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Then Mugabe married someone forty years younger, lived to see his children with her grow up and even get married. I think we should free ourselves from some stereotypes and strictures,ati if you're thirty-five you're very old and you shouldn't eat good food or listen to good music, ati if you're forty three you should lie down and die, ati you should have finished having kids at twenty five.
I think you can keep yourself lively and active, live a full life and do pretty much what you want and need to do at all stages of your life. If you put your heart to it. That's why I'm not agreeing with @⁨Victoria Ndanyi⁩ that ooh sijui he was over sixty so he was helpless and whatwhat.

-: Men watch out.. do not be COHENed!
This Cohen is the type of case that comes at a time when the law makers and  defence (lawyers like Philip Murgor) - when they open their mouths irresponsibly in courts, then the public captures nothing but the stench that comes out. Dont you think Criminal defence lawyers should also be put behind bars? Surely, They lie on Oath to defend their clients, the criminals.
