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Showing posts from January, 2018


The struggle with many a rigid Logooli cultural practices

  The Logooli community is one of the deeply cultured societies – with near everything supposed to have been done as per custom – to allow another custom to follow. One example is that for a mature man (with a child or more) to be buried, there must be a house structure at home. Another is that a boy must be circumcised and nursed in father land. If maternal family decides to, the boy will have a hard time reconnecting with father people - a dent on his masculinity. There were two children who got burnt to death in a house in Nairobi. The single mother had left for night work. Elders were told that one of the children was Logooli. The other, the woman had sired with someone else. The Logooli family wanted to burry their little one and long discussed the do’s and don’ts. Of a man who died childless and the grave was placed as if he had died as a man with children. It should have been dug on the sides, the grave. A real thorn should have been thrust in his buttocks, his name go...

Odanga nafwani rigembe m'moni

In brief...

Yes we need the books; here is the address


The wife all along been the landlady?

The library budget is 140,000/-

Animal Names

When are vowels lengthened in writing?

Maragoli tongue twisters

We are sensitive. Just pursue what you hold dear.

Instead, let us revive that great call.

The migration of Sakwa Kamnara

They underwent a Maragoli colonisation - The Bukusu.

My heart and soul was with you at AGM - not the body.

Welcome, welcome, Dear brothers and sisters

Saniak in Kalenjin, Tachoni and Bukusu

Knowing one's roots is great!

Saniaga Yoghurt; a proposal.

This BLOG Would make an ecellent PhD?

Saniaga Library Project Appeal

We have so much useful information

Saniagas of Inyanza Village - further south

Sally Kosgei and Raila Odinga - Any Saniaga Relations?

Identity or Heritage? Which one?

Our Origin is Girongoi near Banja

This is Serious, family!

Hi all, I have been following the discussion...

Why people do not 'give'.

Saniaga; Identity Empowers

Fear. I fear, Father !

Maria varahararil'la iruguru!