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The Kamnara of Sakwa are making ground to build for future generations

Greetings from the Kamnara of Sakwa! The Kamnara people of Sakwa on 27th December 2024 gathered at Village Park, Ajigo (near Bondo). Hosted by Kwaka Joseph, they hearkened to the consultative forum call, arriving in good numbers and early enough for a successful day. The gathering was chaired by Mr. Nying’ro James Onyango, a former (retired) assistant commissioner of Police. The introductions were excellent. The genealogies were mentioned in reverence, lengthy ones applauded. And courtesy of Enos Oyaya’s book, “Kamnara my people”, anyone who would need help had the documentation. Oyaya had launched the Kamnara book on 30th December 2022 at his home in Kamnara Mwalo, an event that gathered Vakamnara from far and wide. “What can we do that the generations to come will benefit from?” This was the clarion Mr. Kwaka Joseph called on all to fashion their minds to. And issues were raised in the fields of Education, health, agriculture, enterprise, politics and more that the swift dholuo would...

Maragoli tongue twisters

-‬: For those who love kiMara, like Patty, interpret this stubborn L'logoli saying 'Imbo mboo, isuu suu'. 😎😎😎

-: I thought it is: nimboo, mboo; ni suu, suu. These are rather vulgar if you read between the lines. It is a shortening of: ni mboye, mboye; ni suye, suye that roughly translates as: when I say, I have said; when I refuse, I have refused.

-: Simple terms is let yes be yes and no be no.

-: It means you either take it or leave it. 😂

-: It is 'Nimboo mboo, nisuu suu". Direct translation is " when I say yes, I mean yes; when I say no I mean no "

-‬: I am aware of the presence of 'n' but the stubbornness in the one saying it makes them deliberately swallow the 'n'

-‬: We used to have a drunken primary school teacher who would emphasize this phrase 'mmbo mboo nsu suu', in those days we used to have very great respect for the teachers even when dead drunk! 😎😎

-: An extension there would follow thus; 
- 'embo mboo
- 'embo semboo
- mboo ndi?
- 'isu suu
- 'isuu sisuu
- 'suu ndi?


-: Great, ngani mwaachanulwa! 🤓🤓🤓

-: Tongue twister is what? Kevoyovoyiza? 😂😂

Inzii inzi nzii. Inzii inzi sinzii. Inzi nzii ndi?

- Beautiful night family.

-‬: Igaamuula yaagamula naagamul'la

-: Imbuuza ihuuzi nikihuuzuuzu

-‬: Iganihizu yaaganihizwa numuganihizi

-: Nimbo mbo nisu su

-: Woooyee Iganihizu was my great, great, great, great.....x grandPa. What is the meaning of "Kuganihizwa"? ....

-: Novovereri vwekevera korora rovere rururi kokevere kinavoreve

Masia musigu yasia vusie nisu yisiaha asinzi isu

Kutanga kutunga mitungu nu kutunga kutanga mitungu.

🌞🌞Good morning!

-: Novoveri .... this has double or not clear meaning. A sentence carrying two ...."Orovere" nende "Ekevere" they are not related

-: 😳. How
Tit and udder aren't related?

-: If talking of orovere lwe ng'ombe, then maybe.... the tit and udder BUT in terms of a person.. then it is completely different. Tits for female (woman) mammary glands the upper part of chest and groin "ekevere" for the man - specifically - 'manege area'.

-: 🤭😁🤭. The tongue twister is about a cow. Not a person. Is it why @Erick Author laughed? You people!


-: The pain should be felt by a person not a cow, so in this case the person had 'amanege' enlargement extra 'ekevere' and was painful 'havanavoleve!'

-: 😂😂. -navoreve can take place/subject/adjective/verb etc

It can also denote 'private'.


Majorly the word is a pronoun.

-: Mukinavoreve 😜😜😜🤣


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