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Luanda Reggae Defenders - what is your long term agenda?

Luanda Reggae Defenders is a now a popular movement with roots in Vihiga and border Siaya and Kakamega counties Attention is brought to the manner and conduct the movement has gained fame and followers, mainly the Youths. The movement capitalizes on funerals. With a poor culture of putting the dead to rest, the Reggae Defenders have taken it by storm and rebranded the infamous ‘Disco Matanga’ – disco at funeral. Reggae Defenders on move. Pic: Charles Rankings: Facebook They mobilize quickly on the day the dead will be discharged from the mortuary. They have this huge old school sound system that is over buzzing to no clear reggae song - that they hire a pickup to carry - and it has a young DJ mainly standing there than mixing anything. Often, against the rules, the casket is grabbed from a hearse vehicle and tied to a motorbike. There it will be swayed and jerk breaked between other motorbikes on the narrow roads. That, is, how a fellow soldier, often a young dead, is mourned. ...

I don't understand the merger discussion

Lumadi Jenyeka: Members of Saniaga Welfare can join Saniaga CBO and vice versa, there is no harm in being a member of more than one group. Merging is unnecessary though, especially just when we are starting the SACCO.

Erick Nyangweso: All directions are appropriate- as long as they serve the interests of the community. We should even be thinking about where else to put up other projects.

Lung'afa: A project like?

Erick Nyangweso: Even another library- with modern facilities and at another location.

Lung'afa: That is welcome. Importantly there should be an active membership from that location to give in their best. 

The rest of us is just to complement.

Govedi Muzami: The Welfare to remain as the umbrella. The SACCO one wing of that umbrella for those embracing the idea. Basically all are members of the Welfare but a few committed to the SACCO will push way forward in that direction.

+254 725 5273**‬: I propose am also a member of saniaga welfare would like the two to merge

Lung'afa: This is a tricky discussion. 

One, why do you want a merger? What is the risk? Can't they function without a merger? It were better of if they kept pursuing their goals. 

We can't afford to merge all Saniaga Groups. Not that we can't accommodate but we would wish  active unit groups. 

- Let us talk

Kibisu Joash: Having done economics, I firmly believe in competition. Let all these arms of Saniaga develop. For instance we have Saniaga groups from all parts and they deal with their unique issues. Let the CBO be  a leaning pillar for other groups. All other Saniaga groups deal with specific issues in their areas. The Sacco will incorporate all members regardless of the affiliation. Just my thought.

Baba Ndanyi: I am getting it that majority of us would like a merger between the welfare and the CBO, but you are not saying how, one of them has to be 'swallowed' by the other, so tell us who should be swallowed without causing pain? Is there a better altenative  to swallowing or being swallowed?

Mudengani Kisia: I think this is Ok, for the SACCO we just keep adding members indefinitely because we need them, the more we add the better

+254 725 5273**‬: True,,,the strength of  a Sacco is in its membership

Baba Ndanyi: The Sacco is the best idea, and a Sacco needs bigger numbers of individuals not groups, we may not have to totally declare the Sacco independent, because the strength of a Sacco lies in the collective individual strength of members. Can we look at this angle critically!

Kibisu Joash: Exactly

Lung'afa: The best is we maintain our diverse groups and through them mobilise more people to the Sacco.  Joining the sacco shall be both as a group and individual basis. 

On that note we have a responsibility of mobilising the formation of more groups. The more the groups the more the more the reach and sustainability of members' input.

Govedi Muzami: And the groups operate under the Welfare? Is that correct?

Lung'afa: No, the groups maintain their independency. The idea of an Arch Head is being avoided here.

Neccy Flossy: Guyz, the politics have begun even before we form and start the SACCO!! Mergers and acquisitions happen because... two companies or organisations in operation for some years with benefits shown and recorded. The Sacco has not even started and tested!!! Benefit, are so NIL and can we even prove we can manage to run the sacco (proof or proven)? Saniaga Welfare (SanWel) has been running for year, as we gathered yesterday. Does it currently exhaust its mandate as per constitution and as a Cooperative society?    We learned that Leadership was the problem. Is this situation correctable? So why merge, and for what proven services by both SACCO and those of SanWel? What services are being duplicated that one should override the other? I suggest you get both functioning to the full capacity independently even if there is duplication. Then.. consider greating departments or Partnerships. Bad Leadership will always dwindle growth of organs. Sought these from the grassroots of those small groups in operation already that aspires to collaborate with the umbrella - the Sacco or SanWel. Remember, one of them puts financial investments first while the other stresses the 'welfare' first. The finacial would sustain the welfare. Thats my thoughts.

Govedi Muzami: Good point and noted✒.

Govedi Muzami: Good brainstorming. Let the rest participate as well. We need a collectively owned decision.

Lung'afa: Their chairpersons and executives to be sole leaders. They can decide to be in the Sacco or not. Largely they should do whatever they wanted to do at formation.  

So we focus.

Mudengani Kisia: And move fast before the idea is stolen by others 🤔

Lung'afa: Yes Aunt. Let the talk be and continue. But deep we know the purpose and we aiming for it.

Lumadi Jenyeka: The idea was discussed in the AGM and a resolution reached guys,no mergers just mutually beneficial partnerships.
Please be attending AGM's that's where important decisions such are this one are passed.
The SACCO is the main agenda to be pursued for now as indicated in the minutes.

Evans Muhali: Honestly I believe the SACCO Should remain independent. Let it be an optional choice for the Saniaga people. The SACCO to me is a wonderful system of teaching our people the saving culture. Being a member of the SACCO benefits individual members directly

Baba Ndanyi: Groups within the Saniaga fraternity is mainly to cover for those who may not manage financially as individuals, but preference is given to individual membership, the Sacco is a sub-set of the Saniaga CBO or Welfare whatever we will choose.

Govedi Muzami: My point exactly Senior.  We need an over arching body to shelter and guide the promulgated Saniaga Groups. Well that's a thought to consider as we craft way forward.

Baba Kereda: Propose we maintain the units as they are or as needs arise. Lets nurture the groups as they make there starting moves to operate. We need to  allow  leadership of small units  so as to let our people get leadership,   managerial and prudent financial skill as they manage. this units. We can then come back after giving ourselves a time frame of maybe 5 years. Then we check the progress and growth of each unit

Harold Ndanyi: Baba and Elder your guidance is coming in sound and clear. We are hearing you.

Baba Kereda: Lets be focused. Those in welfare beat the drum for welfare. Those in SACCO likewise. Those in CBO beat the drums so that we all can enjoy the music. Dont stop the drums from beating

Baba Ndanyi: The status quo remains as it is, but we may stagnet if we put a timeline of 5 years, we have to do this in the shortest time possible, like 2 years at most, we have to brainstorm during this time as we have started, I am sure we will come up with the best way forward.

Kibisu Joash: The sacco is for individual membership whereas the welfare will cater for it's members challenges in their locality. All members of the welfares should come on board as individual members of the sacco.

Kibisu Joash: The faster we fast track this initiative the better and we will all smile

Neccy Flossy: 👀Maybe Rule number one is formed. From the larger SanWel membership, the interested in Sacco invited to register?

Lung'afa: Yes. To show commitment.

Harold Ndanyi: My Opinion.
The S-CBO is okay and will in future have branches depending on location/region. Meanwhile Let the Sacco be registered and run. After several years of running it's when the merger under a Holding can come up.
The Constitution of the CBO and Sacco is key in guiding the engagements of the organization. Otherwise things are good. Having varied opinions is good for a group.

Harold Ndanyi: Am sure in a Sacco we have the Benevolent fund which to me covers welfare part.

Baba Ndanyi: Can we put some friendly but binding rule or by-law to guide us on group membership?

Harold Ndanyi: Yes... Very important without which there are problems.
Then Sacco

Lung'afa: Yes, the SACCO shall take care of 'welfare'. 

We only need to develop the small groups though healthy competitions  and forth while encouraging their independency. Not merger. 

Then we will be alright. 

Imagine a saniaga group in USA. Does it need to be under any other umbrella here in Kenya? No, let them beat their drum as @⁨Baba Kereda⁩ has said.

Harold Ndanyi: Don't be afraid of a 'merger' you won't lose your identity. If you know how for example Equity group holdings
Equity bank
Brokerage.. e. T. C..
It'll be conglomerates under a big umbrella

Lung'afa: We got to be afraid. Cause if we lose the small units we will lack grassroot holding. 😄

Ngana Lubanga: No harm in debating. How else will we know members views.its through debating that a consensus can be arrived at

Baba Ndanyi: Once we grow into a bigger entity, mergers and/or harnessing efforts will be easy.

Harold Ndanyi: Ysa. Meanwhile we can focus on registering and steering the Sacco and S-CBO with elaborate guidelines, constitution,

Govedi Muzami: We plan how to have an umbrella that nurtures, capacity builds and helps them to strategize within the big umbrella of Saniaga Welfare. If this is attained we develop a fundraising master plan to cater for the presented needs. ACTION AID, World Vision, UNICEF will fund organised concept notes and assist into full proposals. The units can only get this findings through the umbrella. The umbrella here has proffessionals that can translate the concept notes into full funding.

Govedi Muzami: Really wanted to attend and share this concept development note but ndari na mangana ga mariga. Let's all participate and domesticate the evolving idea.

Baba Kereda: I thought saccos and welfare are economic empowerment units in the saniaga cbo ama?

Lung'afa: No dad. There is an organisation called Saniaga Welfare Society that has been in existence  which says it is national and would want all smaller entities be under it. 

- Raw as it is

Govedi Muzami: Sorry for jumping too much into this. I leave space for my other family members that I'm sure are more r perienced to square this circle🎯

Lung'afa: I guess you did think this welfare was a CBO thing. Of course the CBO got a welfare providence. No, it was a different entity in discussion.

Baba Ndanyi: Let's make a document that can serve us well, no need to copy and paste what we cannot handle

Mudengani Kisia: We shouldn't be put under, we soar first,  then merge later

+254 725 5273**‬: Or they buy shares in the cbo but function independently

Dr Sidika: I don't understand the merger discussion. Do we have any commercial Lawyer in this group to help us out. I thought each group will carry out SWOT analysis before a merger. The mergers usually give you financial muscles to 💪. Sidika

Baba Ndanyi: I agree with Jeska, we may have to consult a lawyer for some input, in the meantime, those who have yet to deposit something in the Sacco please do so, we must be passionate about the Sacco
