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The Kamnara of Sakwa are making ground to build for future generations

Greetings from the Kamnara of Sakwa! The Kamnara people of Sakwa on 27th December 2024 gathered at Village Park, Ajigo (near Bondo). Hosted by Kwaka Joseph, they hearkened to the consultative forum call, arriving in good numbers and early enough for a successful day. The gathering was chaired by Mr. Nying’ro James Onyango, a former (retired) assistant commissioner of Police. The introductions were excellent. The genealogies were mentioned in reverence, lengthy ones applauded. And courtesy of Enos Oyaya’s book, “Kamnara my people”, anyone who would need help had the documentation. Oyaya had launched the Kamnara book on 30th December 2022 at his home in Kamnara Mwalo, an event that gathered Vakamnara from far and wide. “What can we do that the generations to come will benefit from?” This was the clarion Mr. Kwaka Joseph called on all to fashion their minds to. And issues were raised in the fields of Education, health, agriculture, enterprise, politics and more that the swift dholuo would...

Avoid living in the present

Any attention seeking girl would slap you by the cheek to listen what she is saying, to see where she is pointing. Newspapers and televisions are there to keep you updated, to let you wallow in the present. I am more likely to see sullen people as dumb, less knowing, uninterested. They deserve no friends, for friends are immediate people, always telling you to  'live in the present' or else life will pass you. How true is that?

This morning I was going through my WhatsApp contact list and seeing what my friends have as their profile pictures raised my eyebrows. She can dare pose in that cloth? He travels nowadays, she is full of fashion, he has an office, he dresses smartly, how she now survives on make up and so on. In that conflict of when we interacted last and what I see now I get unsure of what it means to live in the present.

Mind you, taking the profile looks, a ugandan guy sat beside me, always wanting to bring up a story, real and fake. I ask myself, should I listen or not? Will I not miss this person sometimes in the future? It will depend on my memory and mood then.

Memory is a great curse as it is a great blessing. Those endowed goodly with it, as Einstein noted, are far better. You would remember the zoom of a stone in your childhood days as it came to hit you om the head. You remember the wails when mama beat you. You remember the lines of a lullaby as you were sung to as you remember your favourite tin cup. You won't forget how your virginity ended. You remember classmates as if you graduated the other year. You laugh too much to yourself, you curse, you are guilty, sharp, all because you lived in the past. But were you conscious to 'wail' a wail that you would remember?

The present is not always a good moment. It is unpredictable, of mood swings, erratic to the next move. No matter how great you strive to live in the present would you engulf all it has- the wall colours, the breeze, waving leaf, water drop, stillness, your heartbeat and all that. You would rather forget you wanted to live in the present.

And when the present offers high ends as laughter, passion and pleasure, those who have memories do not fully enjoy. You would see a girl frown as you dance, a boy play halfly, a debater speak no more. And in your mind you would think YOLO and she is boring, not outgoing. High ends are met with things as depression, hangovers and stress. Never think you are high for your mind would want you to feel being low alike. When one is lonely in the house he'd better turn down an outing offer than go for it.

What therefore those who have no memories. Everyone got memories but some dig back melancholically.  Those who live today are those I'd term ignorant, those who would easily shed their guilt, the wannabe's. He has no problem speaking much because he has more lies to tell another time unlike you who would think back, 'what was that I was saying'.

What would therefore mean to live in the present now that we agreeing we want to evade the present? We but be cautious not courageous, fearful not risking, choosy and not greedy that as we do so we feed memories that will help us relive the moments that had we acted otherwise we would have no time to relive. Enjoy your future now, do not drug yourself to the present tossings.
