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Luanda Reggae Defenders - what is your long term agenda?

Luanda Reggae Defenders is a now a popular movement with roots in Vihiga and border Siaya and Kakamega counties Attention is brought to the manner and conduct the movement has gained fame and followers, mainly the Youths. The movement capitalizes on funerals. With a poor culture of putting the dead to rest, the Reggae Defenders have taken it by storm and rebranded the infamous ‘Disco Matanga’ – disco at funeral. Reggae Defenders on move. Pic: Charles Rankings: Facebook They mobilize quickly on the day the dead will be discharged from the mortuary. They have this huge old school sound system that is over buzzing to no clear reggae song - that they hire a pickup to carry - and it has a young DJ mainly standing there than mixing anything. Often, against the rules, the casket is grabbed from a hearse vehicle and tied to a motorbike. There it will be swayed and jerk breaked between other motorbikes on the narrow roads. That, is, how a fellow soldier, often a young dead, is mourned. ...

Lung'afa! Come here! You boy!

Metrine Livole: Lung'afa come here n tell the members y you're attacking me on SMS.

Baba Ndanyi: Is it war of words or real combat?

Metrine Livole: Lung'afa is addressing me with disrespect n insults on SMS, I want him to let everyone know y?

Baba Ndanyi: Can I have one of the SMS so that may caution him.

Metrine Livole: The last time he addressed me with insults n disrespect on watsup,(n i blocked him,i dont take any corrupt talk)is after I told him to use proper channels of communication and to be transparent n accountable to any, for me to refund him any cash from my office as a saniaga treasurer ,let Mr. Ndanyi authorise. That's where his disagreement started
So Lung'afa come n tell us where you disagree with me!

Metrine Livole: Forwarded on sms.

Evans Muhali: I thought you were joking

Metrine Livole: I'm a born again christian, very open, transparent n accountable to everything in life I do(in public/private) for Gods glory,so its not a mistake I became a treasurer. Am obliged to safeguard every cent received from members, so I won't take insults In doing  what is right, n won't take it lightly.
I stand to be corrected but with respect Lung'afa.

Govedi Muzami: Metrine garaha reka vutima, you are doing this for your family.

Govedi Muzami: Calling you at 9.00 am

Peter Kirima: Oh! Lets not get there. Its too early.we just began. Lung'afa it will be appropriate for you to clarify expectations. Would you please let us know whats going on and apologise? Thats why we are help,  to encourage,to move forward as one will be well...

Lung'afa: Good morning Family...

I do not know how but when a sister runs to the house claiming offence a parent first thinks what could be wrong, not who is wrong.

Family, Metrine  is not flexible. So I try to push and that sends her to breaking point. Can you believe till now we haven't opened a bank a/c ? Despite all necessary ways of trying to be finding her?

Because we still forming, no structure so far is intact, I would request we have a COMMITTED third person. Dad Ndanyi and I have so far tried. Metrine has only so far complained. Maybe after AGM.

I will remain steadfast Family, and if I go wrong your corrections will go deep to make things work.

- With Thanks.

Metrine Livole: Speak the truth or else I will forward all the texts here n watsup conversation!

Lung'afa: 👆. Tough sister.

Peter Kirima: Metrine there is no need to forward all thay. Metrine & Lung'afa one thing i've learned in life , its better to be happy than to be right. Thats humility. How best can we assist you? lets discuss way forward.

Mukayagi Ngoda: @⁨Baba Ndanyi⁩  kindly take charge quietly. I personally take great exception to public altercation.

Mukayagi Ngoda: Thanks @⁨Peter Kirima⁩ exactly my thoughts.

Lung'afa: I would suggest that we go on, cause I'm the one 'accused', we see how best to move forward till AGM. Then from there we may restructure our composition depending on the bondings we have identified amongst ourselves.
- Thanks

Lung'afa: @⁨Metrine Livole⁩ , pole sana sister. I never meant to annoy. It is well.

Baba Ndanyi: @⁨Evans Muhali⁩
@⁨Peter Kirima⁩
Amazi maduvuku gavula mu umuyaga;
Such is expected in a dynamic group like ours, to me its healthy although with limitations, I am already handling the quarrel between Metrine and Patrick, and like children in a family we'll decide who to pinch the ears and who to spank! But there is no cause for alarm, the two are very active and resourceful officials of the Saniaga family and I just love working with them

Lung'afa:... Forgive me zimbavasi! I will be a good child.

Peter Kirima: Yeee sande mno.gavee ndio

Peter Kirima: Sande ku gazi indahi. Ugase

Kibisu Joash: Respect is a honourable act. Its never bought. It's earned through acts.  Have a nice day!!!!

Chakava Asacha: From hindsight I'll support Metrine for ensuring there's proper accountability to members funds. Rules of disbursements of funds MUST be followed strictly. I am a banker hence won't agree to local arrangements where funds get used without the members/executive committe's approval.
Let show integrity from the word go to earn our TRUST. Metrine,do your duty of accountability without intimidation from any quarter. My two cent.

Kibisu Joash: Exactly.  Transparency is the key to success of any organization

Metrine Livole: Much appreciation for settling the matter, long live our dear elders. God bless you for being mentors n more.

Evans Muhali: I'm glad you are in control...but it starts with a Small crack and before you know it,the whole house crambles.

Lung'afa: You guys are getting it skewed. The issue wasn't about money. Hehe. It is about WILL. How good will do we have for the course. So that when we drop all our moneys and resources we can still stand firm and committed.

But if there is a feeling of money may metrine confirm the coercion and state the misdoings very clearly.

And as early as it should, I can step aside. Or rather DEMAND encouraging leadership amongst ourselves.

Come on, Family.

Govedi Muzami: Lung'afa the elders have advised so let's move forward small bro and keep up the same effort.

Govedi Muzami: Thanks Metrine

Baba Ndanyi: This conversation is closed, we will handle the emerging issues through the advisory board, though not yet formed, meanwhile let me handle the two and as I said these two are very resourceful and I love working with them, they respect and follow instructions, there has been no misappropriation of fund, if anything we don't have much in the kitty so we are careful and volunteer most of the expenses involved, Patrick with his bike, etc

Evans Muhali: Panapo wazee hapaharibiki Jambo,.. I appreciate your efforts Chair.

Baba Ndanyi: @@⁨Evans Muhali⁩
@⁨Peter Kirima⁩
Much L'logooli mbolangi kulahenza mulala wanakuzuneere amatui nuwuundi nakwiinyagalizi ivileenge nulusaala orong'el'le kunangwa viigi amageri.

Peter Kirima: Omoromi kuri avandu rikomi. Vanyurwi kweri kweri.

Lung'afa: Inzi nivanjaba ndiruka yengo nzie komenya ku musara.

Lung'afa: By the way Yesterday the Nandi saniaga Group met and they greeted you. Mu voraandi ku mirembe?

Evans Muhali: Embwo muno

Evans Muhali: Manyi wavazunee matui 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣na manyi wavanwechi nu rung'ele ku virenge.

Lung'afa: By the way I have sent my 1 K to Metrine. My problem with her dad amalize. Two can't walk together if they don't have one mind.
- Have a good Sunday

Lung'afa: Yivi okosekerizaa nivakuchaba vogono vwo kokosol'la?

Metrine Livole: So far 3 members have confirmed attendance by payment

Metrine Livole: Its not having one mind Lung'afa its addressing me with respect n no insults on SMS

Lung'afa: Fine. I won't 'insult' you again.
- A lady is always right.

Peter Kirima: Sande

Peter Kirima: Now we are talking. Lets now move forward.
Taking my research to future.

Lung'afa: If we confirm then we can pass the message to Saniaga Family and see. But at least a good number of us should confirm, if not all.
