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Luanda Reggae Defenders - what is your long term agenda?

Luanda Reggae Defenders is a now a popular movement with roots in Vihiga and border Siaya and Kakamega counties Attention is brought to the manner and conduct the movement has gained fame and followers, mainly the Youths. The movement capitalizes on funerals. With a poor culture of putting the dead to rest, the Reggae Defenders have taken it by storm and rebranded the infamous ‘Disco Matanga’ – disco at funeral. Reggae Defenders on move. Pic: Charles Rankings: Facebook They mobilize quickly on the day the dead will be discharged from the mortuary. They have this huge old school sound system that is over buzzing to no clear reggae song - that they hire a pickup to carry - and it has a young DJ mainly standing there than mixing anything. Often, against the rules, the casket is grabbed from a hearse vehicle and tied to a motorbike. There it will be swayed and jerk breaked between other motorbikes on the narrow roads. That, is, how a fellow soldier, often a young dead, is mourned. ...

In this Group we talk. Too much?

-: Family Good Morning...
A sage once said, 'The value of identity is that so often with it comes purpose'.

That is why we identify ourselves as Saniaga. Strongly on that, passionate to the identity, what then will confuse us to think we got no purpose? Ours is to aim for greatness as a whole, working in our small ways in such a connection that when the small efforts are combined there is nothing but a mark of our time, our great pleasure.

May we all rejoice in this day that whatever external happening we may not forget our identify and similarly, purpose.

-: About 70% of news currently is fake, co before reacting on such news people have to prove its authenticity and origin, its now hard to know what is true or not!

-: Family,
May we maintain the apolitical stand here, keeping an eye to happenings and only sharing what has been proved AUTHENTIC and not blind rumours.
- Importantly we pray that no life shall innocently be lost or injured in the turmoil.

-: Not apolitical...our lives are about politics and my prof said only fools claim that they dont believe and appreciate real politics. What we do we remain steadfast and verify before sharing. Human being is a political animal...

-: Well put boss.

-: I have posted how Europe underdeveloped Africa as a good reference material for those interested in development. I met the author while on vocational job at the East African Literature Buro in the 70s. I used to proof read science/ maths and huge books of 300 and above pages. They motivated me into Africanism and focus on our own development. Ndatula ihare!!! Sidika

-: I think the group is composed of adults. May be each one of us should respect the posts on the group. The posts that do not interest me, I simply read and delete. You can never know what interests your colleagues. Let's be civil and tolerant of each other's posts. Sidika

-: You see Kidiavai not everything is politics. If you find a snake in the house you do not start questioning and fighting as to where it came from. You kill it. No politics.

There are other groups that we are members and depending on the social construct in we often fight serious text battles there in the name of politics. It is not something that a group like this needs.

- Good night Family.

-‬: I Will Sleep In Peace Knowing Deep Inside My Heart That I Will Not Be Part Of A Sham Election and That My Vote Won't Be Stolen.

-: Congratulations! This group needs avid readers like you! This is a lesson on patience and persistence.
One time a teacher told me that her uncle, a retired primary school teacher told her when he was a teacher: "noveyeku na kana Kasaniaga mu kilasi ma kisaguluka. Utwana tuSaniaga tujiba amateva vulahi; notogeli."
The point is, we should not tire to share what builds us, "utwana togeli".

-: In this group....we talk too much with no or little actions......

-: Majority of you were not yet born. I just learnt from a Lecturer friend of mine that Mrs Rodney taught her in Atlanta USA when the author was living here in Kenya. His home was Guyana and he was assassinated as a political activist in his country i think around 1980. Just as Okot Bitek of Song of Lawino. I also met him as a lecturer at UON while in exile here. I proof read that book and could narrate it off head. It was our set book in "o" level. Sidika

-: I am humbled by your comments. That was just part of my growing up and I never took it as something prestigious. Many of my school mates thought it was wooow!!when I told them I had met the authors during form 4 vocational job. I came from a poor background and I was on tarmac looking for work to cater for form 5/6 fees in case I went back for further studies. Sidika

-: Awesome my sis! You are an inspiration! Not many girls would have looked for jobs to proceed with their education. Many would have given excuses for early marriages! You are one of the rare girls gping to school in the 1970s; probably without role models but trying to get out of the vicious circle of poverty. Nimekuvulia kofia dadangu. You have made my day and made me proud.

-: I was off @Lung'afa ...please read something about SOCIAL CONTRACT..and you will realize that a lot that surrounds you is POLITICS

-: That's typical of Avasaniaga, they never give up, always looking out for an alternative route to success, kudos!

-: When things turns really bad & ugly in our very own lives, we start to question our existence. We need to start living our life for ourselves, we should not live to be that perfect person for someone. We should just take this moment & make it perfect for ourselves. That we are going to fight our fears. We should liberate ourselves from our own fears & make ourselves emotionally so strong. People think they will not be accepted by people, because we in the world with perfect people while we are imperfect. So when you accepted yourself the way you are the world recognises you. It all starts from within. We have this amazing fantasy about life, this is how things should work. This is my plan, it should go as per my plan. If that doesn't happen, we give up. This life is a test and trial, and tests are never supposed to be easy at all.

So when you're expecting easy free life & life gives you lemons, then you make lemonade, and then do not blame life for that. It is okay to be scared. It is okay to cry. Everything is okay but giving up should not be an option. They always say that failure is not an option. Failure should be an option because when you fail you get up, and then you fail and then you get up & that keeps you going. Embrace each & every breath that you are taking, celebrate your life. Live it, don't die before your death.

Real happiness lies in gratitude, so be grateful, be alive & live every moment.

Finally smile big. 😂😂😂😂
