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Luanda Reggae Defenders - what is your long term agenda?

Luanda Reggae Defenders is a now a popular movement with roots in Vihiga and border Siaya and Kakamega counties Attention is brought to the manner and conduct the movement has gained fame and followers, mainly the Youths. The movement capitalizes on funerals. With a poor culture of putting the dead to rest, the Reggae Defenders have taken it by storm and rebranded the infamous ‘Disco Matanga’ – disco at funeral. Reggae Defenders on move. Pic: Charles Rankings: Facebook They mobilize quickly on the day the dead will be discharged from the mortuary. They have this huge old school sound system that is over buzzing to no clear reggae song - that they hire a pickup to carry - and it has a young DJ mainly standing there than mixing anything. Often, against the rules, the casket is grabbed from a hearse vehicle and tied to a motorbike. There it will be swayed and jerk breaked between other motorbikes on the narrow roads. That, is, how a fellow soldier, often a young dead, is mourned. ...

Somebody stealing our 'words'?

-: Morning Saniaga. Am sending shortly a Botswana Court Case which ties very well with Saniaga families and a Maragoli Homestead especially when our dear parents have all RIPd. The case of Mmusi and the Exclusion of Women from Inheritance. Let us read it with sober minds. Also We NEED ASSURANCE THAT SOMEONE IS NOT HELL BENT on this forum n blog TO COLLECT AND TO USE such CONTRIBUTIONS ON THIS 'SANIAGA' TO WRITE BOOKS FOR HIs own gains. It is a question that is not being answered effectively. But I want to put it out there that such doubts need cleared from the word go or on set.  We have been there and I know what am talking about for the many silent majority. Many have lots to share but ... Lung'afa sema kindu... John Ndanyi vipi and you what about you on this blog .... just here to collect separately for future?

-: If some one collects running water and makes use of it to farm.  Is it a crime to collect this water? I dont see any crime. All of us here are proffessionals in different fields, so use your field positively. These are my thoughts. How does one benefit from hoarding knowledge? Just asking............

-: Because the forum is original, any good writer can use it to gather the best of information. And remember a writer is such a schemer seeing what few can see, hearing what few can hear, doing what few can do...

Our blog is the best in the world, why lie? Soon Google shall be paying the admin. It should be so once Ads are allowed.

To make writers here stand their ground, we shall be doing a SANIAGA NEWSPAPER alongside the blog starting 2018, an idea that the chair is  pushing, writers here shall own the course more.

It is a call for everyone to speak, say much, give writers info!

-: Hii ni Kenya my fren, where such things happen. I've severally pitched my programs at different media stations In vein n later I come to see my ideas being aired as their program they only twist the headlines but same content!
