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Luanda Reggae Defenders - what is your long term agenda?

Luanda Reggae Defenders is a now a popular movement with roots in Vihiga and border Siaya and Kakamega counties Attention is brought to the manner and conduct the movement has gained fame and followers, mainly the Youths. The movement capitalizes on funerals. With a poor culture of putting the dead to rest, the Reggae Defenders have taken it by storm and rebranded the infamous ‘Disco Matanga’ – disco at funeral. Reggae Defenders on move. Pic: Charles Rankings: Facebook They mobilize quickly on the day the dead will be discharged from the mortuary. They have this huge old school sound system that is over buzzing to no clear reggae song - that they hire a pickup to carry - and it has a young DJ mainly standing there than mixing anything. Often, against the rules, the casket is grabbed from a hearse vehicle and tied to a motorbike. There it will be swayed and jerk breaked between other motorbikes on the narrow roads. That, is, how a fellow soldier, often a young dead, is mourned. ...

Doubts about getting a motorbike for Saniaga

-: About the motor bike, contributing to buy one is ok but maintenance, fueling and custody of the same, discuss those modalities first, it may appear simple but let's discuss and exhaust these issues first

-: Baba, What do you suggest? 

Maintenance and fuelling is unto the user, I guess. With or without it we spend on moving around. This is because we do not have monetary providences in Saniaga.  

You cannot be given a fishing net and sleep hungry with it. 

Custody too. 

Unless everyone wants to own it too (and control its movements). Which may take us in a long long circle till it ceases being a good idea. 😊. 

- What do you think?

-: Can we agree to put such an asset under the Saniaga library custody, am of the opinion that the library is functioning on a day to day basis and we can all chip in just as we did for the library, this purely for accountability purposes, any other suggestion?

-: We agreed at morning to have the log book in Saniaga CBO name. 

And that the motorcycle is used to run Saniaga affairs. 

We are going to have other libraries and the pikipiki will be used in such coordination. 

If Lung'afa decides to move on with other things away from Saniaga he honourably leaves the motorcycle for Saniaga activities. 

-: Good idea. the motorcycle be registered under saniaga cbo going with the kshs.500 contribution.

-: Are we then in tandem agreement? 

@⁨Analo Akivaga⁩, you ready to start receiving payment forwards? 

As for the model we can discuss as we fundraise. We can test the waters by how much we shall be having in the few coming days.

-: When the 257 members go quiet on this forum it means they are following keenly and it is assumed that they concur. A few have been seen lefting hope is not as of the 500/= contribution!! We need commitment, we need contributions. Do not be a numbered "joyrider"! only eyeing to take your turn on the bike eventually.

-: Saniaga CBO has no office currently, even though the bike will be registered under the CBO, let the bike be under custody of the library, we are scattered in various places but the library at Wangulu is our known center,

-: I am much aware that Patrick Lung'afa will be the using the bike frequently but let's make it easier for him by indicating where the bike can easily located.

-: It will be safe, baba. Safe. Whether at Wangulu or on the road for Saniaga activities. In all fate and responsibleness.

Importantly doing its work. The Oral Genealogy Search top of the agenda now and Visiting Saniaga groups another. Among other activities for Saniaga. 

- With your blessings.

-: Yes bro .There was an advise above that as the COORDINATOR you allow some space for the rest of 237No. members to run with this project.Which I think we try stick to.Kindly 
I will update the contributions received so far tomorrow morning hours.

-: Kindly let's first fundraise we will come to this decision firmly just before we acquire the asset.I can promise you as the Project Treasurer we will ensure the best interest of the CBO is safeguarded.

-: Usually, the more expensive a bike is, the more expensive it is to maintain.
TVS are reliable bikes.

-: In my view the SG should have factored in the whole bike package the following cost of bike and safety gear insurance and something for maintenance for a few months ie service. Is the 500/- sufficient for the whole package

-: I am quiet because I see some discussion that is not healthy for the Saniaga Family. Buying of an asset should be a  discussion agenda during the AGM. I am not going to be part of this hurriedly discussed issues. I think @⁨Lung'afa⁩ should have brought this issue during the AGM. He should have given a schedule of interviews he intends and members could have discussed and come out with views on how to facilitate. It could probably been easier to take boda-boda ride and account for that expense or buy the bike for himself and charge us as per interview trip. The cash you have in the bank should be used for a presented budget that members endorse during the AGM. Sidika

-: I can understand madam Jesca's sentiments, perhaps we should give it a thought, let's not ignore, any way forward, she may be talking for a silent membership, do we have an alternative, Patrick may not afford the cost alone unless assisted, can we hire when needed? We definitely need such facility to ease movement!

-: Yes let's discuss further and I am sure Lung' will work out something. This is a big group and members can support him get a motorbike. The best alternative is for him to bill Saniaga for refund of expenses incurred. I don't know how we are going to work out bike maintanance costs if it belongs to Saniaga Family?  Sidika

-: My suggestion on the matter 'motorbyke' can we have an active CBO Secretariat where we can engage someone (Patrick) for example, on contractual or full time basis to man the various activities under CBO. This person should be paid an allowance or salary, with this in place we can then assist the person to purchase a suitable bike (or even a small car for a start) after which we can recover the money from his/her allowances, so that we can pay the person travel allowances for maintenance of the same;

-: Hello Family. 

About the motorcycle. 

Let us contribute. And get over it soonest. There is no going back on it. We need it. I need it. 

And what we are doing and continuing to do will continue being done. Even better. I am in this for good. 😊. 

I am going to do thorough mobilization by the way. There are things just pushing for and there are those we can sit and sweet talk one another. Those I have visited see the need of a motorbike. 

It is even a let down for all of us to be required to give in some cash. A few Saniaga worth their salt can deliver it in little commossion. But community groups have mentalities of flat distribution of responsibilities and achievements. It only can give average results. Not leveraged results. 

And if someone is singing the CBO song louder than the people working to make the CBO grow, then it is mere leg pull. The CBO does not run here and tither for the programs. But entrusted individuals who are and those to come to push Saniaga ahead.

-: Unless Saniaga has a business going on, maintenance would be a problem. I dont see members contributing to a personal owned property, or group property for personal use.

-: I had suggested an alternative approach, of an active CBO with running programs such as the library, some income generating ventures and in this case we engage a coordinator to oversee the programs, this person will earn an allowance and perhaps out of this we facilitate the purchase of a motorbike on loan. This is possible only that let's not hurry it up.

-: I support the motorbike initiative because Lungafa is doing a really good job in documenting our lineages with the Geneology and it's out of his pocket. @⁨Lung'afa⁩  i hope you'll share the findings publicly.
