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The Kamnara of Sakwa are making ground to build for future generations

Greetings from the Kamnara of Sakwa! The Kamnara people of Sakwa on 27th December 2024 gathered at Village Park, Ajigo (near Bondo). Hosted by Kwaka Joseph, they hearkened to the consultative forum call, arriving in good numbers and early enough for a successful day. The gathering was chaired by Mr. Nying’ro James Onyango, a former (retired) assistant commissioner of Police. The introductions were excellent. The genealogies were mentioned in reverence, lengthy ones applauded. And courtesy of Enos Oyaya’s book, “Kamnara my people”, anyone who would need help had the documentation. Oyaya had launched the Kamnara book on 30th December 2022 at his home in Kamnara Mwalo, an event that gathered Vakamnara from far and wide. “What can we do that the generations to come will benefit from?” This was the clarion Mr. Kwaka Joseph called on all to fashion their minds to. And issues were raised in the fields of Education, health, agriculture, enterprise, politics and more that the swift dholuo would...

Lung'afa, I did not expect you

Govedi Muzami: Adulu I will excuse your ignorance and kuri umusaniaga manyi wasoma....Welcome home. I had the opportunity to host Lung'afa at my humble place of abode here in Kitale, I was expecting an older jamaa that was my expectation ....this guy understands deeper Maragoli and in depth Saniaga issues than I do

Lung'afa Igunza: Hahahaha. I met Ndanyi the first time and he just went...'I expected to see a muzee!' By the way most of my friends wako 60's. 😇

Kibisu Joash: After meeting with Patrick l found out that do not judge a book by its cover. Open the book and you will be ashtonished. I was lost for words. His IQ regarding our traditions was amazing. He has researched well on our traditions. I was of the view that in case we start our ONE STOP SHOP we need to be open to all our sister clans. Lets embrace the MARAGOLI tribe. Although that is a thought

Mudengani Kisia: True, it should go without saying, they will learn from us more as we learn from them. They might also be having a lot they about us that we may not be knowing.
